9- Accomplishemts and Undeniable Love

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"Go Tyler! Go Tyler! Woooooo!" I screamed as he walked across the stage. He graduated! Well, he was graduating at the moment. I hollered as he walked across stage. His family turned to me with big smiles. A few tears came to my eyes. Not my fault, I get emotional when I see someone doing good. Graduating college was a milestone and I was glad to see Tyler doing just that. He wasn't in a good place when I first met him and I'm sure he wasn't after I left either. But he proved me wrong when I saw him though. Him graduating has told me a lot all in itself. I'm just glad he's made something for himself.

"She's good for him." His grandmother, Rose, said not so quietly. I smiled as I sat back down. I caught the perfect picture of Tyler receiving his degree. His family may think that I'm good for him when in reality, he's great for me. That's why I love him. It's the little things he did that made me feel this way. Ever since we had our moment under the tree two weeks ago, I've felt closer to him than I did with anyone else.

I don't know if I'm being risky here but I think he loves me too, just going on a hunch here. Tyler and I have gotten closer and I love that so much. Every night before we go to bed, we talk about any and everything. He was my everything and I didn't mind. After the graduation was over, I waited around with his family for him to make an appearance. As we waited, I felt someone's hands go around my waist. I looked down and saw the familiar wedding band.

"There he is, my graduated husband." I joked as I turned in his arms. He chuckled and hugged me tightly.

"I just wanna get out of this hot ass graduation gown." He said. I laughed and kissed his cheek.

"You look so handsome though." I said. He smiled.

"Glad you think so but is that really a way to greet your husband? Give me a kiss, girl." He said and squeezed me tighter. I laughed and leaned up to kiss him. Ty deepened the kiss as his hands roamed my body, not caring that we were in public at all.

"It's called public display of affection for a reason." He once told me.

"If you two are done saying hello, we'd like to take some pictures of Tyler before they make us get out of the arena." We heard someone say. I turned and saw Olivia, his oldest sister, smirking. I smiled and backed away from Tyler. He groaned and pulled me right back to him, making everyone laugh.

"Liv, can you not be a cock blocker for once? I haven't seen my wife since this morning." He said. I frowned and rose an eyebrow. That was like three hours ago.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever. Let's get the pictures and go.  I'm hungry." His brother, Vincent, said. He was going through medical school. I was proud of the kid. Even he was older than Tyler and I, he was the little brother I never had. Vin was very childish. All my brothers were older than me, plus I was the only girl.

"Hush, children. Let's take this picture so we can leave." Christy said. I clapped my hands together and agreed with her. Everyone took turns taking pictures with Tyler, including me. He and I took several pictures together.

"Alright now let us eat!" Vincent said aloud. We all laughed.


I did and overdramatized gasp when I walked into our room. Tyler looked at me weird. I stood there with my mouth open.

"What." He said.

"You read?" I asked him with a truthfully confused face. He rolled his eyes and turned the page in the book he was reading. I gasped again. This was news to me.

"And are those glasses perched on your nose? I must say, you look undeniably sexy right now. I cannot deny you that." I said, folding my arms and observing him. He smirked as he looked at me.

"And look at you. You're shirtless and your hair is tousled to perfection. Oh my gosh, look at your eyes." I said in an amazed voice. "Your tattoos look even more sexier than before." I whispered. He smirked even more.

"What about you? How you're wearing my shirt that doesn't even go three inches past your butt because you're tall, and I love that about you. You have no shorts on. And those nerdy glasses I have to look at every night along with your messy bun thing makes you look undeniably sexy. Babe, I'm dying just looking at you right now." He said and pretended to fan himself. I laughed and crossed the room over to where he was.

"What's wrong with us?" I asked as I took a seat on his lap. He wrapped his arms around my waist.

"There's nothing wrong with verbally admiring your spouse. So, I'd say that we're absolutely normal." He said and kissed the corner of my lips.

"I hate those." I said to him, referring to the kiss.

"And I hate how you're biting your lip right now." He said and pulled my lip from between my teeth. I smiled at him and pulled him closer to me. He smiled and kissed me.

"You should get some sleep. We're going shopping tomorrow morning." I said with a huge smile. His smile fell as I climbed off of him. He grabbed my wrist.

"Or we could stay up." He said with a smirk. I knew exactly what he was insinuating. I smirked and leaned in towards him. Unconsciously, his hands roamed all over my body.

"Nine, tomorrow morning love. No earlier, no later." I said, kissed his lips then got into bed.


She played me! I shook my head as I let out a low chuckle. Danielle was something else, that's for sure. I'm just glad she's mine. I don't think any other man could handle her like I do. I watched as she tossed and turned in bed to find a comfortable position. She huffed and slammed her hands down on the duvet. 

"Tyler." She groaned. I chuckled.

"I'm coming, babe." I told her and got ready to get into bed. Once I got in with her, she snuggled up to me and fell into a deep slumber. I kissed the top of her and closed my eyes. I love this woman beyond belief.

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