19- Those Dang Bells

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"Calm down, Elle, its only a wedding." I said to the mirror. "Well, my wedding."

I took in a deep breath. I had three hours to get ready but I requested one hour to myself. My time was almost up. I'm officially getting married today and for some reason, my mind kept drifting off to other thoughts. The scary thoughts. The "what if" thoughts. I hated those.

I took in a another deep breath. I could do this, I knew this. I believed in myself. My mind drifted to Tyler. He was beyond right for me. God knew exactly what he was doing when he placed him in my life. I thought about when Tyler and I had our first serious moment. We were still in high school and it was after one of his basketball games. He and I sat in his bedroom listening to some soft music. It was around the time when we broke up.


"This song is lame." Ty said. I rolled my eyes.

"You're lame." I told him. He chuckled and pulled me a little bit closer.

"You still like me though." He told me. I smiled and looked up at him. He stared back at me with that wonderful smile of his.

"We shouldn't be doing this." I whispered as I ran a hand through his hair. He sighed and pulled me closer.

"Elle, I want you to know that no matter what we are, where we are, there is nothing or no one that can stop me from being around you. Broken up or not, I'll be there." He said to me. We leaned in and just before his lips touched mine, I moved my head to the side.

"I can't keep doing this." I muttered as my forehead gently held against his. I heard him sigh. This was the same boy who cheated on me almost two weeks ago. Nope, I'm not gonna put myself through that torture. I looked into his blue eyes.

"I care for you deeply, but our time isn't right now. It's come and gone but if it comes back around again, treat me right okay? I gotta go." I said and left. When I hopped into my car, a breath of relief made itself known. I started the car and pulled off to my new adventure.

End of Flashback

There were three knocks at the door. Quietly, I told whoever it was to come in. The make up team came bustling through the doors with equipment and other gadgets I had no interest in knowing. I looked around to see if I could find someone I actually knew. My mom's familiar face popped into the room. I smiled at her. She beamed back as she made her way to a nearby couch.

As the team did their work, I sat quietly and patiently so I could finally see the finished product. When they finished, my mom and I were left alone so I could put my dress on. The dress slid on easily and I smiled at the feeling. My grandmother walked in not long after that.

"I hear the wedding bells ringing." She said as she rung a small plastic toy bell around and prayed around the room. I smiled and shook my head.

"I've been hearing those dang bells ever since I woke up." I told her. She chuckled and stopped by me to kiss my cheek. The door opened and the photographer was there along with my best friend, who held a crying Tyson. I looked towards them.

"He was with Tyler but he started to cry. Milk didn't help and his father holding him didn't help. Here, mommy." She said. I reached out for my son and wiped his tears as he calmed down. I smiled down at him and got a gummy smile in return. I heard the camera snapping and assumed it was the photographer. Everyone awed as they looked over the pictures. Soon, my little man fell asleep and I was ready to take pictures of my own.

"Okay, lift your chin just a hair. Tilt your head that way just a bit. Perfect, now smile." The photographer said. When I finished my pictures, I took some with my mom, Tyler's mom, his grandmother, my grandmother, and my best friend. That was my bridal party. They've helped me out through any and everything I needed. A knock on the door sounded and mom got up to get it. When she came a, a huge smile was on her face.

"Tyler wants to talk to you." She said. I frowned.

"That's bad luck right?" I questioned. She just shrugged and pointed to the door. When I got there and opened the door, Tyler stood there with a blindfold over his eyes. I laughed at his silliness.

"Hello, my blushing bride." He said with a wave that resembled an arc. I smiled.

"No where near blushing, but I'm fine." I said. His mouth frowned a bit and from that I could tell he rolled his eyes.

"Don't roll your eyes at me." I said.

"You can't even see my eyes, girl." He said. I laughed again.

"Whatever you say, Tyler." I told him. He laughed a little.

"Do you hear that?" He asked me. I frowned.

"Hear what?" I asked. He smirked.

"Those wedding bells." Tyler said with a serious look. I sighed.

"I've been hearing those dang bells all day." I said. He laughed.

"We're getting married in forty minutes, babe. I love you. Kiss Tyson for me. See you at the alter." He said and leaned in to kiss what he thought was my forehead. Ty ended up kissing my hair.

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