12- The Cheap Ones Are the Best Ones

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I groaned as I sat up. The sound of voices from the living room woke me up a little bit more. I get out of bed, slowly and reached for the first thing I could find to cover my body. Tyler's dress shirt covered the necessary parts, only a few centimeters short of the back end. I finger combed my hair but then decided to put it up in a bun. The voices were both deep. A man was there. I wondered who. After looking at myself in approval, I decided to make an appearance. The living room and kitchen area was an open floor plan. I climbed down the stairs and walked into the kitchen just as I heard the other man speak.

"I heard Tyler Caldwell got married and wanted to see who the unlucky lady was." The man said.

"Well there she is right there. Good morning, Elle." Tyler said as I walked into the kitchen. I looked over and smiled when I saw him. My smile faltered when I saw who he was sitting next to.

"Good morning, baby." I said carefully. Quickly, I turned around and started to fix myself some coffee. That guy was familiar.

"Danielle Smith? You married Danielle Smith? Unbelievable." I heard the guy say quite loudly. That voice. His voice was so freaking familiar that it was annoying. I turned around and placed my hands on my hips. I remembered exactly who that was.

"And what's that supposed to mean, Trevor? Oh gosh, you look the same." I said with an eye roll and slightly disgusted look. He looked me up and down.

"But you've changed." He said with a smirk. I looked cute. I knew this already though.

"Clearly." I said. Tyler sort of cleared his throat.

"Am I missing something here? Elle, how do you know Trevor Sanders?" He asked me. I opened my mouth to tell him exactly who he was but Trevor beat me to it.

"We're also old friends." He said. I rolled my eyes.

"Shut up, I'm not into lying to my spouse unlike you. Trevor and I dated two years ago for three months until I found out he was married." I told Tyler. His mouth was open. "Oh, and did I mention, he had a kid also with one on the way?"

Tyler looked between me and Trevor. I stood there and held my ground. Trevor irritated my soul and I couldn't wait until he left.

"Man that's just wrong." Tyler said. Trevor looked between the two of us.

"And what? You two are right? I deserved Elle. I deserved her but no one saw it my way. Thanks to her, I almost lost my marriage." He said, trying to defend himself. I let out a breath.

"My fault? So you're gonna sit there and act like you weren't the one doing all the pursuing? I was just trying to mind my business and- You know what? I'll be upstairs, Tyler. What ever you want know about what happened between me and this douche, I'll be there to answer your questions. I don't have time for this." I said and walked away with my coffee in my hand. "Psychiatrist, my ass." I muttered as I walked up.

"You should leave." I heard Tyler say as I walked up the stairs.

"What? Dude, I'm your fri-"

"And that's my wife, now go." Tyler told him. The door closed and I heard his footsteps come up the stairs. I sat in one of the arm chairs in our room. It was faced towards the window, giving me a beautiful view of our city. Tyler sat in the floor in front of me. My breathing was really hard and I gripped the mug extremely tight.

"We hadn't seen each in four years. I'll give you that but you should calm down. He isn't worth it." He told me.

"But that's your fri-"

"Your happiness matters more to than some old friendship. We were barely friends anyway." He told me and kissed my hands. I looked straight ahead.

"Why'd you let someone unimportant get you that upset?" He asked me.

"At that time, everything was confusing to me. I was around twenty years old. He was twenty five. Grace pulled me out of the house one evening to go to a party. That's where I met him and after that, the pursuing started. I said yes to one date then I couldn't stop it after that. A doctor who seemed charming. No one knew he had a wife. It wasn't until on our three month anniversary, his wife showed up at the place we were having dinner at. It was their fifth year anniversary. He told her I was his psychiatrist." I said. Tyler squeezed my hands.

"Well you don't have to worry about a secret wife. You have me now and only me. And you also have our little princess too. She loves you just as much I do." He said and kissed my hand. I smiled.

"What makes you believe our prince may not love you more than me?" I asked him. He smirked.

"She is the result of my love." He told me. I smiled at him.

"He sure is." I told him. He sighed.

"Why must you insist on our first born being a boy? Our little girl is gonna be just as strong and is gonna break just as many hearts." He said. I laughed at this.

"You really want a little girl, don't you?" I asked him. He nodded and got up. Ty grabbed my hands and pulled me up.

"I love you." He said as he turned the radio on. Slowly we started to sway to the sounds of Ed Sheeran in our room. I smiled and snuggled closer to him.

"I love you too." I said.

"Marry me." He said. I closed my eyes and rested my head on his chest.

"We're already married." I said, stifling a yawn. I was tired already and I'd only been up for twenty minutes.

"No," He pulled away,"Marry me, Elle." I groaned.

"Tyler, why'd you pull away? I was laying on yo-Oh my gosh." I stopped. Tyler was bent down on one knee with a ring held up towards me. I smiled at him and couldn't form words.

"I love you so much, Danielle. I was sure that you were going be in my future four years ago somehow and I'm sure of it now. Marry me, baby, for real this time." He said. I couldn't help but stand there and smile like an idiot.

"So that's a yeah?" He's asked. I could only nod. He smile and got up to slide the ring on my finger. I slapped his shoulder once I realized he's taken my wedding band of and proposed with it. It was a gorgeous ring though. He had great taste in his drunk mind.

"You cheap son of a gun, I knew that ring looked familiar." I told him. He chuckled and pulled me closer. The cheap ones are the best ones though.

"You love me though." He said. I smiled and kissed his head.

"I sure do, baby, I sure do."


Author's Note

Heyyyyyyyyy! Just a filler here, guys! Just checking in on y'all. How are you enjoying the book so far? Should they have a boy or a girl? What are your opinions on the characters so far? Don't be afraid to comment on stuff you like and stuff you don't like! I appreciate the votes. Thank you!


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