23- The Twins

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5 months later

"Tyler get off me, Grandpa Steven will be in here any minute for another ultrasound!" I said as I pushed him away. He only chuckled and walked back over to me slowly. His soft lips landed on my neck and planted kisses. I reached my hands up and tussled his hair.

"We don't need an ultrasound. Tyson's little brothers are doing just fine." He muttered as he kissed my on my cheek over and over again. The door opened but he didn't stop. I positioned my head to look and see the person who walked in. It was our baby's doctor, Grandpa Steven. I pushed Tyler's head away.

"Poppa Steve, you couldn't have waited five more minutes?" Tyler asked jokingly. Grandpa shook his head and laughed.

"Keep acting like that and you guys will be back for plenty more ultrasounds." We all laughed. Grandpa read my charts and went to get my other doctor. He was only my delivery person. Dr. Smith walked in with a huge smile on her face.

"Who's ready to find out the gender?! I know you guys have been placing bets." She joked. Tyler and I laughed and nodded. That's exactly what we've been doing. I bet Tyler a budget free shopping spree in Victoria's Secret if it was two girls. If the twins were boys then I'd have to go to a professional basketball game with him, my treat.

"Ready to prove your daddy wrong, girls?" I said to my stomach. Dr. Smith laughed and got the instruments ready. The gel was cold but I got used to it fast.

"Okay, Mr. and Mrs. Caldwell, let's meet your baby girls!" Dr. Smith announced excitedly. Tyler's face lit up like a Christmas tree.


"Camryn and Claire are gonna look so much like you baby." Tyson said for the billionth time on the way home. My face held the shocked expression all the way there. He sounded super excited to be having girls this go around. We stopped by the daycare and picked up Tyson early. He fell asleep as soon as we got home, which was perfect. Because he decided to nap early, he'd go to sleep right on time tonight. Two and half year olds are a handful.

"Remember when I was first pregnant with Tyson?" I asked Tyler. He nodded as we walked into the house. After he laid Tyson down in his bed, we moved to our room to relax in the arm chairs. The conversation picked back up and in no time we were laughing and reminiscing.

"You wanted a girl so bad!" I said through laughter. Tyler shrugged as laughed along.

"I got my wish now and it doubled up. Thanks for being so awesome babe." Ty said and kissed my cheek. I giggled.

"Don't thank me. There's this thing called genetics and it helped us through this thing called life, and life-"

"Okay, Elle, I get it. Man you've been talking a lot for these last five months. Are the girls doing that to you?" He asked. I laughed so hard.

"I've been talking my normal amount of talking, thank you very much." I said with sass. He laughed this time. As I joined into the laughter I watched as he kind of backed off and looked at me. Adoration was written all over his face.

"Camryn and Claire are gonna look just like you." He said as he cane close to me. Tyler caressed my face and smiled at me. "Beautiful." Ty whispered. I grabbed his hand and he fixed it to hold mine.

"Tyler?" I sighed. He smiled bigger.

"Nap time?" He asked and I nodded silently. He chuckled and helped me up. We laid down together and he wrapped his arms around me then placed his hands on my stomach. The girls moved around a bit but soon settled by Tyler's right hand. Before I could close my eyes real good, I heard the soft hits of Tyson running down the hallway. The door pushed open and he stood there. I felt Tyler move to look. I closed my eyes and pretended to sleep. The cutest toddler voice spoke.

"Momma sleep?" I heard him ask.

"Yeah bud. Let's go downstairs and watch some tv." Tyler said and made a move to get up. Tyson ran to him first before he could get up. I felt the bed move a little bit. I opened my eyes for a brief second and saw Tyler lifting Ty into our bed.

"I wanna sleep with momma." He told his dad. I smiled a little. Knowing exactly where he wanted to be, Tyler placed Tyson in my arms in front of my stomach. Soon, Tyler was cocooned around us and we were all comfortable. As I got ready to close my eyes, I felt Tyler's arms tighten around us.

My babies. My family. Life was great right now.


"Okay, so let's put Camryn's bed here, and set Claire's bed on that wall over there." I told the construction crew.

"Yes ma'am, Mrs. Caldwell." The manager told me. I smiled and waited as the other furniture was being carried in. The movers brought in two arm chairs. They rocked back and forth and reclined.

Tyler and I picked the furniture set for the twins last month and the stuff finally shipped in. Good thing we ordered neutral colors. Imagine having two girls in a room with race cars and other boy stuff. That would've been something else. Just as the dressers were being delivered, Tyler walked in and helped them adjust the last dresser along the wall. When they left, it was just me and him. Tyson ran through the halls with his toy trucks and wagon.

"Babe, the room looks great." He told me. I smiled and kissed his cheek.

"You helped pick out the set. Couldn't ask for a better furniture picker partner." I joked. He kissed my forehead.

"Yeah I helped pick the furniture but I also had to help carry it a little bit too. What'd you do, sit there and point your finger?" He joked. I laughed and nodded. It was funny because that's exactly what I did. I laid my head on my shoulder and he touched my stomach. The girls moved to his hand. Our family was growing and there was a lot of love to give.

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