7- Change Of Weather

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"Are you dumb or are you stupid?!"

I sighed. "Well mom, there's no better choice between the two. I'll just go with both." I said and sat down. Tyler walked in and took a seat beside me.

"Where have you two been? Danielle, I texted you five hours ago." She said. I looked at Tyler then to my mom.

"The truth is that we-"

"Went fish food shopping!" Tyler interjected. I looked at him like he was crazy. Didn't he know that lying to my momma was like signing a death wish?!

"Oh really? So looking for what kind of flakes to feed Goldie was more important?" She asked with an attitude. I nodded but sadly, she didn't know that Goldie passed away last month. She rolled her eyes.

"Mom, I was gonna call I promise." I told her. She shrugged.

"Sure, you would've called but I could've been dead by the time you decided to call. I wanted to know how your trip to Vegas went." She said as she sat back in her chair. I stayed quiet. Mom looked at Tyler and I.

"Wait a minute, this is Tyler Caldwell." She said to me. I nodded. Mom looked from me to Tyler then from Tyler to me again.

"Welcome back, son. Haven't seen you in a while, you little troublemaker." She said with a smile. My mom had known Tyler since forever. He was Malik's friend and they'd at basketball all the time. I was never around and didn't get to meet him until my senior year. That was when I moved back with my mom. Tyler got up and hugged her neck, which made her smile even more. Kiss up.

"I guess I can let you slip for now but first, you wanna tell me why both of have on wedding bands?" She asked. I placed my face in my hands. And just when I thought we'd gotten off the hook. I couldn't talk, at all. Tyler took the chance to explain. I only sat there and watched my mom's facial expressions.

"And again, I ask you, are you dumb or are you stupid?! I'm telling your father about this."

"Well that went well." Tyler said from the drivers seat. I looked at him as he drove. Of course he'd think it went well. That wasn't his mother. I have yet to talk to her one on one. And let's not forget about my dad. And if my dad knew, that only meant it'd be a matter of time before my brothers hunted me down to talk also. Tyler and I were headed to his mom's house. Since my mom knew, it would only be fair that his parents knew. When we got there, Christy came running out the door.

"My baby is home!" She said as she hugged Ty tightly. I smiled at the sight. Christy caught sight of me and gasped.

"That's her, that's her, that's her!" She yelled excitedly. This woman's happiness was doing me good right now.

"Hey, Christy." I said with a smile.

"Ooh, Elle, it's been too long. I've missed you. The ones after you could never compare." She said, referring to Tyler's past girlfriends. I chuckled.

"Well no one can, really." I said with a hair flip. She laughed at my joke and led me into the house. I looked back at Tyler as he stood staring at us walking. I winked.


Danny is stealing my own mother away from me. I knew my mom would be excited that I was home but she wasn't supposed to be super excited about Danny. She looked back and winked at me as if she knew what I was thinking. I playfully glared at her and walked in behind the two. My mom wouldn't stop talking about how glad she was to see her again. They started to talk.

"Oh my gosh, is that an engagement ring?" My mom asked. I choked on the water I was drinking. Not this soon. We wanted to ease her into the idea. I looked at Danny and pleaded with her to come up with something.

"Um, it's a promise ring." She said with a smile. My mom held up her hand and examined the ring. She smiled.

"Is it from Tyler?" She whispered not so loudly. Danny giggled and motioned for her to come closer. Carefully, she whispered something to my mom. Apparently, it was absolutely funny because mom started to laugh her full head off. I cleared my throat, making her stop.

"It can't be that funny." I said. Mom looked at me.

"So you weren't gonna tell me that you and Elle got married this morning?" She asked. I just stared at her. I looked at Danny.

"Why'd you tell her?" I asked her.

"She has the right to know, Ty. Don't raise your voice at me." Danny told me.

"Your wife has a point, you know. I do have the right to know. Maybe my story wasn't much of a warning for you, Tyler. I really do wish you two the best in the marriage but also remember there are no resets. Whether you were drunk or not, you said those vows and that means you stick by her." Mom stressed to me. I nodded. I understood those vows perfectly. But what Danny or anyone else didn't know, was that I took those vows seriously. Drunk or not, this girl would be it for me.

"Plus, she told me how you reacted when you first saw the ring on your finger this morning." She said, referring to my gasp. I shook my head as I smiled at the two.

"I seriously do not care that you got married, Daniel. Especially to Tyler of all people." Her brother said through the phone. She rolled her eyes at the name he called her while I cracked a smile.

"Well I at least thought I should tell you." She said. He laughed.

"Well, at least you're getting the nice version. Dad won't take it as well. You know how much he talks about wanting to be there for you and all." He told her. She sighed.

"Yeah, I know Gabriel, but it's somethings I gotta do on my own." She told him.

"Yeah, I understand sis. By the way, happy birthday to you and your husband." Gabriel said. She thanked him then hung up. I looked over at her. She gave me a small smile.

"It's going just fine, don't you think?" I asked her. She just shrugged.

"I don't know I'm getting the feeling that everyone is just giving their first impressions. Let it soak in for a couple of months. The real problem lies in with Malik." She told me. I nodded as I drove. I remembered when I first met Elle. Malik told me to stay away from her. Malik and I were good friends for a long time. We still talk now. I wonder how he would take it if he found out that I married his sister.

"Can we go to your place? My apartment looks bad." She said. I laughed.

"So you want me to take you to the messiest apartment in the whole city?" I asked her. She rolled her eyes and just looked at me.

"Just take me there, Tyler. I wouldn't want to hurt your feelings this early in our marriage." She said, making me laugh. Her snide comments were the funniest thing ever.

"Of course, Mrs. Caldwell." I said with a smile. She beamed back at me.

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