2: if i was your girlfriend

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April 23, 2011

The traffic in Los Angeles was hectic.
Andy tapped her fingers anxiously against her steering wheel as she sat packed in the traffic jam.

There had been an accident up ahead and the police were closing off two lanes and leaving one open. All vehicles had to maneuver and merge into it.

She groaned loudly.

She began to even regret being in this position. She should've just said that she was busy and couldn't make it, or just flat out said no.

Being in this herd of cars made her even more drained. But she had already come this far from her apartment, packed clothes for a few days and was 15 minutes away from the arena.

It was too late to turn back now.

Either way, she couldn't even if she decided to. Prince already knew of her and knew that she was coming to meet him. She couldn't turn someone like him down.

Andy heard that he sued people.

Could he sue her for wasting his time? She hoped not and she didn't want to find out because she didn't have much money in her bank account.
Just enough to get by and pay her bills.

One by one, cars started to speed up ahead and soon there was a large gap between her car and the one in front of her.

It felt good to finally take her foot off of the brake and gas it for a while.

Soon, the arena came into her sight on the right side of the highway. She kept going ahead, and exited on the left once she reached the end of the road.

There was a line of cars, being directed into the parking lot belonging to the Forum. People were trying to find places to park, and the traffic guards were handling it -- but not fast enough.

Andy sighed and leaned back, rubbing her temples. Someone would be directed into the parking lot but the next car behind them would be stopped. Then each car would move up, but only half an inch.

It was making Andy's blood boil.
She was wasting gas over this.

But then her phone rang.
It was Elrick, who was wondering where she was.
She picked it up, her left hand pinching the bridge of her nose as she tried to remain composed.


"Where are you and why do you sound so ticked off?"

"I'm waiting to park. There's a long line of people trying to get into the lot," Andy answered, as she switched her car off. Not completely, but she just wanted her engine to stop running to avoid wasting so much fuel.
Gas was high these days.

"Hold on, what kind of car are you driving? I know where you can park."

"I'm in a bright red Kia Soul. I'm close to the gate."

Elrick was quiet for a moment, but she could hear the sound of wind blowing through her speaker, almost as if he was running or jogging.

"I see you. Here I come."

Andy thanked the lord for answering her prayers and proceeded to wait for Elrick to come from wherever he was. It was when he opened her passenger door, she was startled by his random appearance.

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