32: clairvoyant

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December 7, 2011


Prince hums a nonchalant response, paying little to hardly any attention to Andy as he buries his head within the crook of her neck.

She makes herself comfortable on his lap, placing her arms around his neck. His hands slide up from the sides of her waist to the back plates of her shoulders.

"I was thinking about Larry coming here tomorrow and-"

Prince lifts his head up.

"I thought you said you didn't want to talk about him in the bedroom?" Prince cuts her off but not on purpose.

"I don't it's just-- I think we should talk about a plan..." Andy trails off, closing her eyes and tilting her head to the right as Prince starts to kiss her neck again.

He nibbles softly at the skin on the nape of her neck. Andy's hands find themselves entangled in his hair and her fingers squeezing his ends between their gaps.

"We don't need a plan, baby. Just let me handle it, okay?"
His breath was hot against her neck, instantly creating a heap of goosebumps to spread quickly across her arms and legs.

She never got tired of hearing his voice.
When he spoke to her, it turned her on every single time.

It never failed.

She could be upset with him but still wanted to hear him.

Andy succumbed to him, practically melting in his arms. She didn't want to be turned on, but fighting the urge was no use.

She came into the bedroom wanting to talk about Larry's arrival tomorrow but the topic quickly dissipated and within a few more minutes, it would fly out of the window and be forgotten.

"Okay. I think we just need to be strong..."

"How can I be strong when you make me so weak, mama?"

Prince's hands roamed her back, snaking underneath her top and searching for her bra clasp. He finds it and tugs at it, popping it open eventually.

"Prince, we shouldn't do this... we're supposed to go to dinner with the band in an hour," Andy's attempt to stop him from going any further was unsuccessful.

He lifted her shirt above her head and carelessly tossed it to the side.
Her bra was next to go.

With Prince no longer paying attention to the words coming out of her mouth, and being lost in his own world while fantasizing about hers, Andy seized to stop him.

She was too far gone to try.

Once he hit that sweet spot of hers, just below her ear, her mind became a mixture and her senses were numb.


"We'll be there on time. I just need 20 minutes."

There was no use.

They hadn't made love in a minute.
It'd been a while since they'd even got this close to being in bed or romantic.

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