24: undisputed

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November 8, 2011

Andy woke up in the arms of another man this morning. Little had she known all along that she wanted this, although Adrian was the one she thought her heart needed most.

Given how the past two months went from September up until yesterday, she set her heart on Adrian.

Prince was far too difficult to communicate with, the constant mind games and tricks played were too much for her.

Last night she realized that although he was complex, he was easy to learn to be with.
With patience, practice and devotion, she was willing to figure him out no matter how long it took.

Prince had fallen asleep with his head on her stomach and his body between her legs.
His arms were wrapped around her waist.

After the first time, they went another few rounds - they both had lost count of how many because of how long they went each time.
Once they started, they just couldn't stop.

Already, they'd become each other's addictions.

Prince ended up falling asleep in the middle of their last round. It was about 3am when he slowed while going down on her and eventually tapped out.

Andy didn't blame him either.

As soon as he collapsed, she closed her eyes and she was gone within minutes too.

She woke up feeling like a whole new woman.
Andy also felt dirty, physically, like she'd committed something sinful.

But she was glad she'd finally lost what she'd been waiting years for.
She was no longer a virgin and she was proud of herself for being a kept woman for such a long time and finally laying down with who she truly felt was the right one.

Just when she thought this wouldn't happen, things changed and cards were dealt.
Events occurred and the universe came through.

In the end they both got what they wanted initially which was each other.

Andy carefully removed Prince's arms from around her, wanting to avoid waking him.
He shifted in his sleep as she raised his body off of hers, he ended up rolling over anyways.

His head sunk into the plush pillow beside hers, the one Adrian had slept on the night before but Prince didn't know that.
They both had such strong masculine scents that he wasn't able to recognize another besides his.

And speaking of Adrian, Andy's heart began to to beat rapidly.

How was she supposed to tell him?
Or not tell him at all, and break up with him?
She had no other choice but to end it.

After this, it was crystal clear who she wanted to be with and since last night she practically had a chain wrapped around her ankle.
In other words, she belonged to Prince now.

She had to realize that, and it partially broke her heart to know that she had to end it. Adrian was such a nice, well-deserving guy who really seemed to have been perfect for Andy.

She was torn between having to make a choice.

She didn't want Adrian to think she was doing this because him having a daughter was too much for her and she wanted the easy way out from becoming a stepmother.

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