20: lolita

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November 3, 2011

It was the day before they'd be heading to New York for the Versace/H&M fashion show.

Prince and Andy were still on rocky roads with each other, and because of it, Andy told him that she didn't want to work on music with him anymore.

Prince took it pretty hard.

Matter of fact, since then, he'd become much more cold towards Andy and she did the same to him.

Speaking between them was harsh -- they would only answer in small, one-worded responses and were always hostile to each other when they had to speak more than that.

Things were getting messy between them and they both knew it.

They just didn't feel the need to do anything about it.

Prince didn't exactly know how to fix it and he didn't want to apologize. Andy wanted him to apologize, but until he did she wouldn't talk to him anymore.

Adrian kept his job.

When Andy quit, Prince let him keep the job. Of course, he had no idea he was on the verge of being fired. Both of them kept that part concealed.

But when he got back from taking care of his mother, he wondered why Prince was acting so wishy-washy and mainly towards him.
The rest of the band had no troubles, except for him.

Andy said that it wasn't fair and that if Prince didn't let Adrian keep the job, she would cut all ties with him.

Including dropping out of the fashion show and the Canadian tour.

Prince couldn't let that happen.

Although they weren't on the greatest of terms, he didn't want her to walk away. Besides that, it was too close to the tour to find another rhythm guitarist in time.

He had no choice.

Currently, Prince and the band were working on a new song in Studio C.

From what Adrian had told her, Prince defined this song as slinky rock and he hadn't finished it yet. So far, they'd worked on the sound of it, but Prince had yet to write lyrics.

He kept having them play it over and over while he wrote down possible verses.

But finally, he told them all to take a break for a little bit and to come back shortly - hopefully by then he'd should figure out what the lyrics were to be.

Adrian sat his saxophone down and came over to sit beside Andy.
She handed him his water bottle and greeted him with a kiss.

"How are you feeling?" Andy asked him. Adrian was out of breath and sweating heavy bullets as he drank his water.

Andy saw how exhausted he was.
They'd been there since 6am that morning and it was going on 7pm.

"Tired. But having you here makes things better."

Sweeping the loose hair out from in front of his face and tucking it into his ponytail, she scooted close to him to stroke his cheek with the back of her hand.
She smiled.

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