23: love after war

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Monday, Andy woke up in a tangle of loving arms that belonged to Adrian.

The day and night before had been so eventful that it tired her out.
As soon as he showed up at the door with his daughter, they shared a hug and kiss and she bonded with his daughter for a couple hours.

Turns out, Tiana -- Adrian's daughter, was also sleepy from the flight to New York. After her, Andy and Adrian played a game of monopoly, they settled down to watch a movie and she was out like a light almost instantly.

Andy had forgotten all about the offer and to thank Adrian for what an amazing thing he did for her.

He said he was in New York on business and happened to be playing a couple gigs with Cee Lo Green. Coincidentally, his hotel was nearby and he was able to bring Tiana along.

She'd figured out that one of his surprises were to come see her, and the other was to meet his daughter. She wondered if there were anymore surprises left besides the record deal to unveil.

But they both ended up falling asleep.

Andy woke Adrian back up and told him to get in the bed with her, and Tiana could have the sofa to sleep on.

She kissed Adrian goodnight and he went straight to the bedroom.

Andy made sure that Tiana was comfortable first, and got the extra blankets out of the closet for her to use.

She tucked her in before going to bed herself.

It felt good sleeping next to Adrian and to lie close to and in his arms the entire night.

Unknowingly, she had become what she'd always disliked - a clingy girlfriend.
He didn't mind it because he was the same way when it came down to her.

She watched him while he slept, as he was on the verge of waking up. They had slept all the way into the late hours of the afternoon.

Tiana had found Andy and her father laying together. She made herself comfortable at the end of their bed, using the remote to watch cartoons until they woke up.

Andy hadn't noticed her at their feet, but chuckled once she saw her.

She'd brought a throw pillow from the sofa, maneuvered herself between them and had her eyes glued to the television, watching Barbie.

Andy had only met her last night, and it was probably too early to say that she felt like a mother -- but already, she found this easy to get used and adapted to.

This right here is what she wanted in her future -- a kid or two, a husband and a home.
All while maintaining her career.

She felt apart of a family right now, and it brought a smile to her face.

Adrian finally began to wake up, shifting in bed as his eyelids flickered.

Removing his hand from Andy's hip, he reached up to wipe the sleep from his eyes.

Once he opened them, his pupils dilated and the first thing he felt like doing as soon as they locked with hers was to kiss her.

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