29: the one u wanna c

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November 24, 2011

"So what exactly is going on between you and Prince? Anything I should know about?"

Andy was fed up with the off guard questions and whatnot, this one only made her panic. She hoped that Chanel had proceeded with her promise like she said and didn't slip it to Chris.

She continued cleaning up her mess without turning to face her big brother.

"Chris, I told you, there's nothing happening. He's just a friend, a really close friend."

He wasn't buying it for one minute, but since she wasn't going to spill the beans, he would find out on his own -- which is what he did last night by accident.
Somehow, a video from a Prince concert in Amsterdam from this past summer surfaced upon his Facebook timeline and Andy was in it.

And just by watching it and seeing the way Prince would look at his sister, how she would look at him and how they'd interact with each other, he felt there was something else going on between them.

During one part of the clip, they were standing at the same microphone while singing a song together and he could've sworn he saw Prince rubbing against her back and putting his hand on her hip.

But if his eyes were only just playing tricks on him, all he knew was that they were standing mighty close.

He couldn't help but to wonder, being the protective older brother he was.

"Well, whatever you say..."

Andy clicked her tongue in annoyance.

She proceeded to wipe up the spilled vanilla ice cream that had dripped over the surface of the kitchen counter. While trying a sample of her own peach cobbler, she had some ice cream to go along with it. It was delicious.

Ice cream had also been her go-to since last night. After talking with Chanel and experiencing those symptoms, she'd gotten a little stressed and overwhelmed.

She hadn't slept at all last night, instead staying up to watch TV and eat ice cream. Stress made her hungry.

Or in this case, the possibility of her being pregnant made her hungry. It scared her to think about it, mainly because she wasn't planning to start a family this early on.

And also because cravings and big appetite came along with the pregnancy package.
By now, she had already begun to think that she was pregnant 100% with the way her body has been acting.

Chris moved to the other side of the kitchen, quickly taking something out of the cupboard, a box of graham crackers presumably for Christopher Jr. and Sydney to snack on. They usually ate them with a glass of milk.

Andy shifted to the other side, as she was standing in front of the refrigerator where the carton of milk was stored.
That's exactly where Chris went to next -- to retrieve the carton.

"Well, hey, I wanted to surprise you but I really want to see the look on your face when I tell you this..." Chris starts once he comes up from digging into the fridge. He closes the refrigerator door and turns in her direction.

Andy was finished cleaning her mess, she went over to the sink and rinsed out the dish towel, attentively listening to Chris at the same time.
"Uh huh?"

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