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Two months ago

"Am I your best friend Jax?" Kit Dunn asked, sitting on the grass by the riverside. A comforting breeze hit Jax Gardner in the face, blowing the fronts of his brown curly hair about. He sat with legs out and arms resting on the ground. His hands were spread out and the blades of grass slipped in between his fingers. As he watched the currents of the river, he replied to Kit.

"Why do you ask that? We've been friends for like three and a half years now."

"I know, but how have I been those three and a half years?" Kit asked

"What'd you mean?" He turned to her.

"Have I been a good friend?" she clarified.

Jax looked back at the river and let a few memories take a visit in his brain. He knows that there was one person who had been by his side from freshman year to the first half of senior year: Katherine Dunn. What had made their friendship strong was the fact that they've never gotten in a huge fight, or disappointed each other.

One memory that stuck, was when Kit had been there for him at one of his lowest points. She stayed by his side and always asked him how he was. So how had she been for the past three and a half years? He told her.

"Kit Dunn. I don't what I would have done without you these past years at Keaton. School there can be fun, but brutal. The environment, the people, the friendships, the hurt. It all gets to you. But you're the one person who's been with me the entire time. You've never left me or the school and I'm deeply great full."

"What about you know...her? Didn't she help you too?"

Jax sighed and shifted his position to criss cross. His back curved over so he was bit hunched. He pulled at the grass and plucked about twenty strands out with force. He didn't let go of them and kept a firm hold.

"That was one time," Jax told Kit.

"Yeah, but you'd always talk about it to me."

"I did not," he defended.

"Yes you did Jax. Even through all that happened between you and her, that thing you'd mention would never fail to put a smile on your face."

Jax tossed the pieces of grass in the air to fall like confetti.

"That doesn't matter anymore," he said.

"You mean to tell me that it doesn't matter that she helped you get out of your shell and to not be insecure about your classical training?"

"I don't know. How did we even get into this conversation? Why did you have to bring it up?" 

"I'm sorry," Kit apologized, putting an arm around Jax. A smile gradually appears on her face and she raises her eyebrows at him. As she let go of Jax and got up she said,

"Race you!"

She started running away towards the river. Jax smiled and followed his friend. They ran to a giant rock that settled over the river. Kit climbed on top of it first and opened her arms wide as she closed her eyes. Jax joined her and felt the freedom she felt when he opened his arms out too.

"I feel so free," he shouted.

"I know right?" Kit started dancing on the rock, moving her feet quickly. Jax laughed with his eyes shut until he felt Kit not dancing anymore. He heard a loud shriek and when he opened his eyes, he saw her falling off the rock and into the river.

"Kit!" Jax screamed. He jumped off the rock and splashed into the river. He knelt down where Kit's body floated in the water.

"Kit!" he screamed so loud it hurt his throat.

Her body lay still in the river.


What did you think of the first chapter?

By the way there's no particular reason why things will happen to certain characters. I don't dislike any of them, it just for the purpose of the story. :) oh and the initials at the beginning of the chapter indicate who's side of the story. Thank you!

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