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     Bianca scurries off down the hall in tears, but she's not sure why she's crying. She's glad she hugged Jax and finally talked to him about Kit, but she knows it is probably the last time she'll ever speak to Jax, since they are graduating. For some reason the thought of not seeing him after Keaton makes her upset. But why is she? Jax doesn't want anything to do with her. She doesn't want anything to do with him. They're no longer friends. They haven't been friends for a while now.

But then why is she still sobbing? Why are so many tears seeping out of her eyes. She gives the reason that it's because she misses Miles and wishes she can vent to him about Jax. But deep down. Way, way down in her soul, she believes that's not the main reason.

Bianca is continuing her ugly cries and doesn't want to show up to music class looking like a idiot with puffy eyes and stained cheeks. But she also doesn't want to skip her favorite class, even if Jax is in it too. She especially doesn't want him to see her crying like that.

Bianca starts panicking and desperately tries to hide the evidence by wiping her mascara. She checks her face in her pocket mirror, but right when she takes one looks, she starts crying more.

"What is wrong with me?" she says into the mirror. "I just miss Miles. That's all. It's not about Jax or anything else. It's about Miles...right?"

As Bianca sighs into the pocket mirror, she notices a person standing behind her in the reflection. She closes the mirror and slowly turns around. Standing there is Jax with puppy eyes, but not a grin.

"Jax what are you...?" Bianca says, until she gets cut off by Jax giving her the same type of hug she has just given him.

"This is for Miles," Jax whispers. And Bianca is sure she hears his voice crack. There goes her tears again.

"Thank you," she manages to say without cracking. Then Jax lets go.

"Your...welcome," he has a hard time saying. "See you later."

"Um we have music class together," she reminds him.

"Oh right. I forgot."

Bianca gives a smile out of comfort and neither of them move. She knows her first instinct is that they will walk together, you know since they both have music class. But of course walking together is awkward. But it's even more awkward not moving at all.

"We better go before we're late," Bianca says.


Bianca finally moves first and Jax follows behind. Far behind. She knows because she looks back once to see if he will wait until she is far down the hall. But he does follow, just enough to where they're not on each other's heel.

In music class, Mr. Park announces a new assignment. He tells the class they will be making tribute songs for Kit and Miles. Everyone starts sparking interest and they begin deciding what they're going to create. But Bianca isn't sure what she wants to do. Why did Mr. Park have to assign this project? Most of the students aren't close to Miles like she is; besides Alya and Jax of course.

"This is nice," Alya says to Bianca. "Miles and Kit would have liked this."

"We wouldn't of done this if they were still here," Bianca growled.

Alya cocked her head. "Woah B. Are you okay?"

Bianca bits her lip and leans back in her chair, looking towards a window. "Nothing. I just miss him."

Alya nods as a tear falls. "Me too."

Bianca looks at Alya and notices her crying. She touches her hand. "You've had two months to cry Alya."

"I know, but I think it only hit me these past few weeks."

"I'm sorry."

Alya shakes her and sniffs. "It's okay. It does no good crying. We just need to remember the good life he had."

"That's why Park assigned this project," Bianca realizes

"You can do this," Alya says.

"So can you." She smiles.

Bianca manages not to speak to Jax in music class and the rest of the school day, since they established they wouldn't be speaking to each other anymore. It doesn't bother her. She hardly spoke to him since ninth grade, so she is used to it.

Bianca and Jax don't speak to each other for a month. But the streak is ruined when Bianca is given Miles' Breedlove guitar. It took Mrs. Lennox three months before she decides to go through her son's room. Then one day she shows up at the Blackwell's door step, holding a guitar case.

"Hello Mrs. Lennox," Bianca says, eyeing the large item in her arms. "What do you have there?"

Mrs. Lennox smiles, looking down. "It's Miles' guitar. I thought you might want it. We have no use for it."

"Wouldn't you like to keep it Mrs. Lennox?"

"Yes, but you're his best friend and you are far more musical than my husband and I."

Bianca laughs. "Thanks, but I never got into guitar."

"Oh." Mrs. Lennox almost sounds disappointed.

"But I know someone who's just learning." And instantly Bianca regrets her words.

"Oh who?" Mrs. Lennox perks interest.

Bianca scratches the back of her neck. "Jax."

"That's wonderful. You think Jax will want this then?"

Bianca knows Jax will love Miles' guitar. After all,  Miles' is Jax's best friend too. But she wishes she didn't know that.

"Um yeah. He'll love it."

Mrs. Lennox beams in a way she hadn't done in months. "Would you mind giving it to him. It'd be special."

"Well I don't think-" Bianca starts to say, but she changes her mind when she catches Mrs. Lennox look. "Sure. I'll give it to him."

Mrs. Lennox hands her the bag. "Thank you Bee. Your are wonderful."

Bianca tries grinning, but can feel she is failing. As she watches Miles' mom leaving with a smile, she knows she has to do his for Miles. Everything. Whatever she does will be in remembrance of him. Even if it is giving his beloved guitar to Jax and speaking to him for the first time in a month.

Healing (jax & bianca; backstage) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now