twenty two

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Jax runs after Bianca with full force; his legs aching and his lungs on fire. He chases her all the way down the sidewalk, screaming her name. "Bianca! Wait! I need to tell you something!"

Jax runs so fast, his legs are like jelly. He finally catches up to her, but he so out of breath, he can't speak. Jax bends down, panting like a dog. Thankfully, Bianca stops. "Bianca," Jax gasps in a breath; he stands up straight. "Bianca I'm sorry. For whatever I did."

Bianca puts a hand on her hip; it's her signature pose. She doesn't react or answer. Jax hates when she makes that face that's looks like she's not amused.

"Bianca," he says her name again. "I just want to say, I forgive you. You know, freshman year and everything. I finally know who I am and I think figured out what you mean to me."

Even after that, Bianca stays stiff, in the same position. Jax takes a step forward, so there is less space between them. "I think I'm in love with you Bianca," Jax confesses. It doesn't phase her.

"Hello? Didn't you hear me? I said I might be in love with-"

Bianca loosens up and pushes his shoulder lightly. "I heard you Jax! But that's not the point!"

"What are you talking about? I know you like me too. I see the way you look at me."

"You're right, I do look at you like I like you, but you never do!"

Jax flailed his arms up throwing them to his head. "I kissed you remember? But you ran away! How much more of sign do you need?"

Jax and Bianca's voices are louder than the fight moments earlier. So far, this is the first time Jax's ever talked to her this way and he hates it, but he can't stop.

"I never gave you signs Bianca because you disappointed me! You told Jenna I cheated on her when that wasn't true. We were becoming friends in freshman year, but you made up a lie about me. And why? Because you liked me? Who does that to someone they like?"

"Your right, I shouldn't have done that," Bianca says calmly, until her voice raises again. "But, who kisses someone and than doesn't do anything after that?"

Jax screams out a frustrated growl. He holds his face with both hands and pulls his head back. "How many times do I have to say this?! You ran off before I could say anything!"

"Ugh! Jax, I don't even know what we are arguing about!" Bianca closes her eyes.

"Then let's talk about you not talking to me for two weeks! What is up with that?" Jax asks.

"Fine you want know? It's because you admitted you had a crush on me but then said it was all in the past!"

"I'm sorry, I was lying." Jax looks down at the sidewalk.

"Ha! Now you're the liar!" Bianca points at him. "You're the stupid liar Jackson Gardner!" She inches closer, poking his chest with her finger. Jax stumbles on the sidewalk as he steps backwards, trying to escape Bianca. But because they're both not looking where they are stepping, their feet collide and they trip on each other. Jax falls backward on the sidewalk and Bianca falls with him. She makes sure to stop herself from falling straight on him with her hands on the concrete and her body hovering over him.

Jax's face is inches from her's, and he looks intensely into her eyes. The moment seems slowed down and he desperately tries deciding what to do, but Bianca stands up in a rush. Jax knows she's going to run away again, so he acts fast.

He grabs her shoulders, pulling Bianca in. With not even a second in between, his lips crash on to hers. He let go of her shoulders and moves his arms around her back. As he holds her tight, he feels Bianca kiss him back.

Is this really happening? What am I doing? I can't do this. It's too much.

All of a sudden, Jax is apart from
Bianca and now it's his turn to run off from a kiss between them.

Thanks for reading. It's almost done! And the I have another Jianca short story coming soon!! So be ready :)

Healing (jax & bianca; backstage) ✔️Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora