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      After Bianca's last class, she looks for Jax in the music hallway. She finds him at his locker, listening to something with headphones and emptying his backpack. It's is still slightly uncomfortable talking to him, so she walks up unnoticeably. He doesn't see her coming because of the loud music Bianca hears out of his headphones. She taps his shoulder with one finger. Jax jumps as if he's been electrocuted. His headphones fly off his head.

"Jeez!" he shouts.

"Sorry," Bianca apologizes, feeling utterly stupid for scaring so him bad.

Jax smiles lightly before bending down to retrieve his headphones off the ground. "That's alright."

Bianca looks at him with soft, puppy eyes. "Is there anything you wanted?" Jax asks politely.

"Actually yeah," Bianca says. "Do you want to maybe grab a coffee and talk? Only if you want to though. If not, that's totally cool. I mean I wouldn't expect you to talk to me after all I've done to you. I can see how awkward it might be, you know since-"

"Bianca," Jax politely interrups her. He smiles. "I'd love to talk."

Bianca giggles shyly, tucking hair behind her ear. "How about that new cafe a couple blocks from Keaton? We can walk. If that's fine with you?"

Jax shuts his locker already standing right beside Bianca. "Ready when you are," he answers simply.

"Okay then. I guess we go."

"Let's do this."


Bianca and Jax make it to the cafe that is inspired by Keaton since it's only a few blocks away from the school. The outside of the building is light blue with painted white musical notes. Inside, the cafe is music themed with guitars, records and pictures of classic musicians  hanging on the walls. Jax and Bianca find a small booth near the back and they take a seat.

"So..." Jax taps his foot a mile a minute. His fingers hidden under the table, shake and his legs twitch up and down. "Whadja want to talk about?"

A waitress comes over to grab their order. When she leaves, Bianca replies. "How did it feel?" she asks, looking at him with little emotion on her face, but with great empathy in her eyes.

"When you hurt me in freshman year?" Jax questions.

Bianca looks down. "Um no. That's not what I was talking about."

Jax shakes even more. "Oh. Sorry."

The waitress comes back with their coffee. "Will that be all for you two?" she asks.

"Yes thank you," Bianca says. The waitress leaves and she clarifies to Jax what she means. Taking a deep breath she asks him, "How did it feel when Kit passed way?"

Jax swallows hard. "It was tough. I just watched her fall and I felt so helpless. I cried for about a week straight."

"Oh wow."

Jax nods, looking down at his coffee. "Yeah...I still can't believe she and Miles are gone."

"Me too," Bianca says quietly.

As Jax and Bianca sip their drinks, they hardly speak, but oddly enough, Bianca enjoys just sitting in his presence. After their drinks are finished, they toss their paper cups into the trash. Jax follows Bianca outside of the cafe and they walk back in the direction of Keaton.

"Hey I need to tell you something," says Bianca. There's a bench a few feet away so they sit down together.

"Sure anything," Jax says. Bianca notices his leg shaking up and down.

"Woah are you okay Jax?" She reaches over to stop his leg from shaking with her hand, but immediately pulls it back. "Sorry. That was weird." Bianca's cheeks flush red.

"What did you need to tell me?" Jax reminds Bianca why they sat down in the first place, but is obviously just trying to mask the embarrassment floating around.

Bianca gulps a lump in her throat. She prepares herself for what is to come next. "I'm truly, truly sorry for what I did to you in freshman year Jax. I shouldn't have told Jenna you cheated on her. It's been eating me away for years."

Bianca braces herself for a big blow from Jax. She fully expects him to not speak to her.

"You know, you ruined an amazing friendship I had with her," Jax speaks. Bianca jerks her head to look at him. He actually answered!

"I am so sorry Jax."

He shakes his head. "No. I'm sorry. After midterm break, I came back with Jenna even though I totally had a crush on you."

Bianca stares at him, eyes fully aware and in complete disbelief. She can barley form a sentence. "You-you had a crush on me?"

Jax nods. "I did. I really liked you ever since we paired up for that project. But..."

But?! What does he mean but? Oh I shouldn't have brought that up. Go back! Go back!

"But," Jax continues. "That's all in the past now."

Bianca's heart sinks to a bottomless pit, but she shows no outward disappointment.

"Yeah I agree. That's way behind us."

Way way behind us. Right? But then why did he kiss me that one time?

I shouldn't be disappointed...I shouldn't...but...

I think I am.

Thanks to those who are reading this story!! I hope it's not too boring. I don't think I planned it very well. Thanks again 💕 (oh and this story might be just a short or medium length fanfic. I kind of lost interest, and it sort of boring.)

Healing (jax & bianca; backstage) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now