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Time feels like it has stopped as Jax holds Bianca in the hallway. He lets out all emotions he's been holding in for a long time. Once Kit passed away, he wanted to come to Bianca as soon as it happened. He wanted to cry with her, hold her and comfort her. But he couldn't because of everything that had happened. Now as he holds her in the hallway, he regrets all of his decisions that led Bianca away from him. A tear then escapes his eye. Jax missed her so much. But for now, they we're just beginning to rebuild their friendship. He will take things slow and careful and let Bianca have as much time as she needs.

"Hey." Jax and Bianca are startled and the let go of each other.

"Jax, Bianca. Class is starting," Alya whispers loudly in the doorway of Park's classroom.

Jax and Bianca glance at each other and they smile shyly. "Oops," Bianca says.

"We'd better get to class," Jax says.

Bianca chuckles. "Yeah I guess we do."

Jax lets Bianca go first and he follows behind soon after. Everyone in the classroom stares at them when they enter.

"You guys okay?" Alya whispers to Bianca who sits next to her. She leans in.

"I'll tell you after class," Bianca whispers back.

"Ooh I can't wait to know." Alya grins raising her brows.

"It's not that juicy okay."

Alya smirks. "Whatever you say."


After music class, Bianca walks out with Alya chasing after her. "So? What is it?" Alya eagerly asks.

"First of all, it's that big of a deal," Bianca tells her.

"Fine. Just tell me."

Bianca opens locker. "Jax and I are friends again...kind of."

Alya's eyes widened. "Are kidding me?! That is a big deal Bianca!"

Bianca rolls her eyes as she pulls out her textbook. "Alya, were just trying to help each other get through everything. That's all."

"Unless, you two get close again. Like in freshman year."

"That's not going to happen okay?"

"How do you know?" Alya crosses her arms. "How do you know that you won't fall for him again when you two spend time with each other?"

"Because." Bianca shuts her locker. "I won't let that happen." She walks off to her next class.


"So you and Bianca were having quite a moment in the hallway," Alya mentions to Jax as they walk down to lunch.

"It was nothing," Jax insists.

Alya smirks. "But enough to get you two five minutes late to class."

"We were just hugging Alya."

"Why? I thought you didn't want anything to do with Bianca?"

Jax shrugs. "We're kind of friends again."

"Kind of?" Alya quirks a brow.

"We agreed we needed each other for now. Just for comfort. That's all."

"Comfort?" Alya smiles. "Sounds cute."

She and Jax make it outside to the quad. "Cute? What do you mean you?" Jax asks as he sits on down on a picnic table. He opens his lunch bag and pulls out a sandwich. Alya does the same.

"Sounds like you two will be hugging together, crying together. Wiping each other's tears."

"I could do the same for you. You miss Miles too."

"But we don't have the same relationship like you have with Bianca."

Jax looks down, picking at his lame peanut butter and jelly sandwich. Alya has a point.

"I'm taking my time. Okay?" Jax says.

"What's that mean?" Alya bites her tuna and cheese sandwich.

"Bianca only wants to be my friend and I'm going to let her have that. I won't push her to say or do anything."

Alya's grin appears slowly as she sets her sandwich down. "So does that mean you lik-"

"No!" Jax stops Alya from finishing her sentence.

I'm sure. I think.

Healing (jax & bianca; backstage) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now