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     "So I'll see you later?" Jax says, getting up from the bench. He's looking down at Bianca who's still sitting and he's trying to genuinely smile. He longs to hug her again and dare he say, hold the sides of her face in his hands. But he can't. He vowed not to after he kissed her out of nowhere that one time.

"Yeah I guess I'll see you later," says Bianca. She stands up as well, standing closer to Jax than he expects. He gets another opportunity to stare at her blue eyes. Those beautiful, pure blue eyes. He has to physically contain himself not to kiss her.

"Bye," Jax whispers, breathing on Bianca's face because they are that close. She spins around leaves in a hurry and Jax is left to watch her long brown hair move side to side as she runs off. His gaze lingers on her as she becomes a smaller and smaller figure in the distance.

Why does it feel like she just slipped away from me? Forever...maybe because I told her it was all in the past when it really isn't.

Yes I lied. Okay? It's not the first time. But I had to. I can't get close to her again. I just can't. Something might happen. To her. And then I'll be heartbroken again.

Sorry it's so short, but I think I'm almost done with this story. Maybe a three or four chapters left.

Healing (jax & bianca; backstage) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now