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"Why did you invite him? He just ran away," Bianca says to Alya.

"Because, you need to talk to him."

"I need to talk to him or you want me to talk to him?" Bianca folds her arms and glares at Alya.

"Both," Alya says. "Come on, catch him before he leaves."

Bianca stands by the door deciding if she should stop him. She remembers that Jax hasn't been talking to her for years and she hates that. So if she goes on and does the exact same thing, nothing will change. They'll continue on the game of avoiding each other till graduation.

Bianca decides she better get out fast before Jax drives off and never speaks to him again. So she grabs the door knob and thrusts it open. She jumps down the steps and acts life she's about to run down the street to chase after him, but in front of her eyes is a car. An old, vintage looking car with Jax sitting in it.

Bianca steps closer, very slowly. She makes it inches from the car and she shuts her eyes. Something in her makes her not want to look while she taps on the window. She's almost ready to bolt back into Alya's house, but the sound of the car window rolling down causes her to open her eyes and meet with Jax's. She's freezes when she hears a "click" sound meaning the door unlocks.

"Please come in," he speaks softly. Bianca doesn't know whether to open the door.

"We should talk," Jax says. He reaches over the passengers seat, looking like he's going to open the door himself, but Bianca beats him to it. She slips into the passengers side and stares straight ahead. They don't speak for a good three minutes.

"How have you been?" Jax breaks the silence. She remembers how good it is to hear him speaking to her.

"For the past three and a half years?" Bianca asks.

He scratches his head. "No, I mean, you know, the last two months?"

She nods, knowing that's what he meant all along. "I've been... I've been holding up the best I can. I miss him so much. What about you?"

"I miss Kit a lot and Miles too. I just can't process that they're really gone. You know?"

"I totally get it. I mean, it's so nice to talk to someone who gets it. Can you believe we're in the exact same situation?"

"It's strange. Very strange."


Bianca looks down. She never imagines her first real conversation with Jax in a long time would be about the coincidental passing of their best friends. It is a conversation none the less, but it's still awkward because floating in between them is something from three and a half years ago that never got closure.

"Jax," Bianca changes the subject, not making eye contact. She's afraid what she'll say next will cause him to blow up. "Can we... can we talk about what happened in freshman year?"

Jax is as stiff as a board. He turns and looks out his window with a hand covering his mouth. Bianca knows she's bringing up something three and a half years too late, but she is hoping to talk about it again so she can apologize. Again.

"Jax can I just explain?"

Jax doesn't move.


"Please leave!" Jax says in a tone that startles Bianca. She stares at his back in shock. He turns to face her and his face softens. "Sorry. I'd like to get home now if you don't mind."

Bianca nods quickly and fumbles to open the door. "Yeah, I understand," she speaks fast and rushes out of the car. Bianca runs into Alya's house tear stricken.

"What's wrong? Why are you crying? What happened?" Alya asks all in one mushed sentence.

"Can I talk to you? Please?" Bianca asks as tears pour down. Alya looks behind her at the guests then grabs Bianca's hand.

"Come on, let's go to my room."

Bianca follows Alya to her bedroom where they sit on the floor facing each other. Alya leans forward and wipes Bianca's tears off her cheeks.

"Now, tell me what happened. Did you and Jax speak?" Alya asks.

"Yes. We sat in his car and spoke about the recent occurrences."

"Then how did you become upset? Is it because you miss Miles?"

"Don't you?"

Alya nods as she looks at the carpet. She picks at the lace on her shoe. "I do miss him Bianca, but you know the relationship you had with Miles is one I wish I had with him."

Bianca sniffs. "I'm sorry Alya."

"Stop crying. Now I'm crying."

Alya and Bianca both wipe their eyes.

"I mentioned something. Something from freshman year," Bianca adds. "That's why I cried."

"What could you have possible said from freshman year to make you cry?" Alya scoots next to Bianca.

"Well it's what he did that made me," Bianca says.

"I'm so confused."

"I brought up what I did to him when we were freshman's."

"No you didn't?! I thought you two were passed that?"

"Why do you think we haven't been speaking all these years?"

"I see. Well what did he say?"

"Nothing. He just told me to leave."

"Why did you mention it Bianca. What did you expect to happen?"

"I don't know. I just hoped I could explain myself again. Apologize for what I did."

"Well there must be a reason why he never forgave you? Right?"

"I know the very reason, because I was selfish."

"You just were heart broken."

"More like heartless."

Healing (jax & bianca; backstage) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now