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"Mom, I've decided to go the party," Jax announces when he comes down stairs. His mom is at the kitchen table working on a jigsaw puzzle with his dad. Mr. Gardner places a piece down, then looks up at Jax.

"Who's having a party? Bianca?" Jeff Gardner asks. Jax doesn't like the way his dad smiles after he says that person's name. He hasn't heard that name in their house for a long time and since his dad mentioned it, Jax's mood flips. What if she is at the party? After all, she is friends with Alya too.

"Honey, the party's Alya's," Eve Gardner says to Jeff. "You remember Alya Kendrick?"

"Oh yeah. Is she his new girlfriend?" Jeff leans in.

"No. He hasn't had an old one yet Jeff," Eve says in a hush whisper.

Jax stands there awkwardly waiting for his parents to stop whispering about him. They seem to be talking about a certain person he prays won't be at Alya's party; he needs to stop them.

"Mom, dad," Jax says. "Can I go?"

Jeff and Eve break away from their conversation and chuckle. "Of course you can," Jeff says, digging something out of his pocket. "Take my car." He tosses car keys to Jax.

"Are you serious? You're letting me drive your 1960 corvette?" Jax's gives his dad a wide eyed, excited face.

"Well I want my son to show up to this party in style. Not in his clunky mobile," Jeff jokes.

"Sweet! Thank you dad!" Jax beams, clutching the car keys in a fist. He starts to run towards the front door, but his mom stops him.

"Jax, don't you want to get a bit dressed up? You are wearing a t-shirt and sweat pants," his mom points out.

Jax looks down at his clothes. "That's probably a good idea," he says. He goes up stairs to change and comes back in more suitable party attire of a floral button up, black pants and white vans.

"That's more like it," Mrs. Gardner comments. "See you soon Jax. Hope you have a fantastic time with friends."

"I'll try my best," Jax says on his way to the door.

In the car, on his way to Alya's home, Jax becomes anxious for this party that seems to be a big deal. He anticipates seeing tons of Keaton classmates, and all though Kit passed away two months ago, he knows all eyes will be on him. They know how close he was with Kit and most of them are aware of how talented of a student she was. The whole school felt the loss of Kit Dunn. But the thing he's most anxious about, is seeing the person who coincidentally is in the exact same situation as him.

How did this happen? Jax thinks as he sighs. I've been "avoiding" her for the past three years while continuing to be her classmate. This might be the first time we really confront each other since the tragedy.

Jax's thoughts stop when he arrives at Alya's home. His heart starts beating fast when he gets out of his dad's car and walks up to the door. On the front steps, he can hear music playing on the inside and footsteps coming closer. The door opens by the party giver, Alya, who has a joyous smile. She throws her arms around Jax and cheers.

"I'm so happy you're here. Come in. We're just getting started." Alya pulls him into the house.

"Everyone was hoping you'd come Jax," Alya says.

"Why?" He's suddenlyvery self conscious. He looks around the living room that is set up like a dance floor. There are multiple crowds of people standing around and more than a dozen eyes stare at him.

"You've been missing from all the Senior activities for that past two months," Alya explains. "But they wished you'd be at this party because it's a celebration."

"Why are they staring at me?" Jax whispers.

"Because," Alya starts as she looks around the room. "There is someone you need to talk to."

Alya leaves and comes back. All of a sudden, Jax is face to face with the girl. But when he takes one looks at her, he runs out the door.

Healing (jax & bianca; backstage) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now