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Jax is proud of himself for not speaking to Bianca in a month. He wants to keep the streak; maybe for another month or even two. But one day, Bianca shows up at his doorstep and his streak is over. His mom makes him answer the door. When Jax sees Bianca with a big, black case, he rolls his eyes to one side so he can avoid her's.

"Jaxon, can you look me in the eyes please?" Bianca demands.

Jax brings his eyes cautiously towards her's. "It's just- I mean, we haven't talked in like two months." He looks away again. Bianca balances the guitar case under her arm and on the porch.

"Look Jax, I don't want to talk to you any more than you want to talk to me okay? But Miles' mom wanted you to have this." She brings the guitar case up to Jax. He eyes it.

"What is it?"

Bianca looks at the case. "His guitar."

Jax swallows a lump. "His special one?"

Bianca nods. "You can keep it."

Jax finally locks his eyes with her's. "Are you sure you don't want it?"

"No, please take it." Bianca's eyes start watering.

Jax takes the guitar case and looks at it for a moment before turning his eyes back to Bianca. "Thanks," he says sincerely.

Just as Bianca's about to leave, Mrs. Gardner shows up. She sees Bianca and grins. "Bianca it's been so long since you've been here. Why don't you come on in."

"Mom I don't think she wants to," Jax pleads.

"Oh don't be silly Jax. Bianca's your friend."

And before Jax can stop her, his mother brings Bianca into their house. He can tell Bianca's uncomfortable because she keeps her hands behind her back. But as she looks around the home, he swears he sees a small grin. Okay maybe more of a sad smile.

"So, Bianca," Mrs. Gardner says. "What have you been doing lately? Do you have a boyfriend? Anyone special?"

For a reason Jax doesn't know, Bianca looks at him for a hot second when his mom says "boyfriend."

"Um no," Bianca replies.

Jax's mom smiles at him and he looks at the ground. The situation is so awkward, he almost wants to run out of his own home. And it gets worse. His mom asks him to show Bianca the new track he's been working on and of course Jax can't say no to his mom. So he ends up in his bed room with the girl he doesn't consider his friend anymore, playing a track out loud for her. She enjoys herself the best she can without looking at him or showing too much excitement. When the track's over, Jax closes his laptop.

"Awesome," Bianca says with little emotion.

Jax smiles to hide how painful it is to look at Bianca, talk to Bianca and be in the same room as Bianca. They stay in silence for seemingly eternity before Bianca gets up from sitting on Jax's bed; she stand in front of him and all of a sudden it's intense. Jax scratches the back of his head and tries not to look in her eyes, but he can't help but admire her beautiful blue eyes. It takes him back to when they were freshman; when Jax met Bianca Blackwell, the actress, for the first time when she sang for the class, with her beautiful voice. Jax instantly recognized her as the girl from the television show, Chase and Chance. He didn't know, but there was something about that girl. Something deeper behind her cocky smile.

All the three and a half years, Jax wonders what it would have been like if he'd gotten to know her more and never stopped being her friend. He would have had someone to get him through the worst time of his life. He could have helped Bianca get through the worst time of her life.

And now he's standing inches from her, breathing heavily, staring into her eyes and remembering how good it was to be this close to Bianca Blackwell. He misses her. He always missed her. And he does forgive her for what she did.

"I'm sorry I ignored you this past month," Bianca says softly. Jax presses his lips together and does the one thing he's been wanting to do for a long time. He kisses her. He leans in and kiss Bianca, despite his pounding heart and sweaty palms. The emotions he's been keeping inside of him for years, comes out. When he pulls his head back, Bianca's eyes are wide and she stumbles back. Jax frowns and she escapes out the door, thumping down the stairs. The kiss is a spontaneous decision and also a mistake.

Healing (jax & bianca; backstage) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now