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Present day

The day at the river sticks in Jax's brain and the image of Kit floating in the water never leaves. He can't get over the reality that his best friend in the whole entire world, Kit Dunn is gone. She's no longer living on the earth and the world is missing an amazing person because of an accident. Everyday he blames himself for what happened; he believes it is his fault because he suggested they hang out by the river.

For the last two months, Jax's been spending most of his days in his room when he's not at school. He comes home and goes right to his laptop with his midi controller so he can create tracks. But every time he tries to make a song, he takes one look at the picture of Kit on his desk and starts crying. Jax's been stuck in that routine since the accident and he doesn't know how to escape.

"Jaxon honey." His mother knocks on his bedroom door. He doesn't answer and she comes right in. Jax rubs his tears away and walks over to his bed. He flops on his side, facing the wall.

"Jaxon," his mom says, sitting down on the bed. She touches his shoulder. "Are you hungry?"

Jax shakes his head.

"Are you thirsty?"

He shakes it again.

"Your friend Alya is having a party tonight. Are you gonna go?"

He shakes his head a third time.

"Jax, the accident two months ago was the last thing we'd ever wish to happen to you. You and Kit were best friends. You wanted to graduate together, go to the same college..."

Jax turns around with a small frown on his face. "Where are you going with this mom? Because you're making me feel worse than I already am."

Mrs. Gardner brings a hand to his cheek and brushes a tear off. "Sweetie, I know things don't happen the way we want them to. Life doesn't make sense sometimes, but this, this is reality. We have to continue on with our lives and live everyday with meaning and purpose. Do you think Kit would want you to be sitting around in your room all day?"

"No mom. She'd want me to get my butt off the couch and do something."

"You see, she would want you to go to that party tonight. Right?" Mrs. Gardner smiles.

"I guess you're right."

"So will you think about going?"

Jax sniffs. "Maybe."

"Thank you." She ruffles his hair before leaving the room.

Jax looks over at the picture at his desk. "I'm only doing this for you Kit," he whispers.

Healing (jax & bianca; backstage) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now