twenty three

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      "Stupid Jackson! Bianca screams, storming into her house and slamming the door behind her. "He's so stupid!"

Mrs. Blackwell is in the kitchen when she hears her daughter's voice echo through the house. She stops Bianca before she runs up the stairs. "Honey, what are you on about? Why is Jackson stupid?" asks Mrs. Blackwell.

"Cause he keeps kissing me and then not doing anything about it. Just now we kissed and he ran away!"

Mrs. Blackwell gives a typical mom look. "Bianca, wasn't it you who ran away from a kiss two months ago?" she reminds her.

"I know, but that's because I was shocked," Bianca says, spreading her entire body on the living room couch. Her mom sits on the 'L' shape of the couch.

"Bianca, do you like Jax?" she asks her daughter.

"No," Bianca replies. She doesn't make eye contact with her mom. "I love him," she says quieter.

"Really honey? You have to tell him how you feel."

Bianca sits up. "I don't even care anymore mom."

"Bianca why? Jax cares for you-you care for each other."

"I guess..."

Mrs. Blackwell stands up and kneels down by Bianca. "You know, Miles would have encouraged you to tell Jax." She strokes Bianca's long brown hair. "I always loved how good of a friend he was to you."

Bianca rolls over so she faces her mom. "But now my best guy friend is gone mom."

"Not all of them Bianca," Mrs. Blackwell says. "You've got another one waiting for you."

Bianca sighs. "You're right mom. I need to tell Jax before I could lose him too." She sits up and turns on her phone.

"I'm proud of you Bee," Mrs. Blackwell says as Bianca dials Jax's number. Then she stands up and let's her daughter have privacy.

"Hello, Jax. It's Bianca I need to tell you something," says Bianca on the phone. She hears him breathing heavily and wonders if he's okay.

"Bianca, I need to tell you something too," Jax pants. Bianca starts shaking. He doesn't sound like he's going to confess his feelings to her, again. Something's wrong; she knows.

"Bianca, Alya's been in an accident. She got struck by a car while walking home," Jax tells her.

Bianca is hit like a punch to the stomach by the news. She forgets about the original reason why she called Jax. Nothing's more important than what happened to Alya. "Is she okay?" Bianca asks, finding it hard to breath.

Jax gulps. "I don't know, but I'm heading to the hospital now."

"Meet you there," Bianca says.

"I'll pick you up and we can go there together," he tells her.

Even though Bianca's mind is whirling and she can't think straight, the idea of sitting in Jax's car with him, going somewhere together makes her heart happy.

"Is that fine with you?" Jax asks.

"I'll be right here waiting outside my house."

Bianca ends the call without a formal goodbye because everything isn't clear. She's terrified to find out what state Alya is in at the hospital. How serious is it? How did it happen? Who was driving the car? Were they distracted. Most importantly, is she going to lose another best friend?

Bianca needs to know and dashes out the front door where she will wait for Jax. Her mom hears the commotion and goes outside to see what is up. "Why are you outside?" Mrs. Blackwell wonders.

"Alya was hit by a car. Jax is picking me up and we're going to the hospital to see her," Bianca barley gets out.

"Oh Bee are you serious?" Mrs. Blackwell hugs Bianca.

"Alya is fine, she has to be fine. I know she's fine mom. Don't hug my like she's not," Bianca says defensively.

"Did you tell Jax how you feel??"

"Mom I think I have more important things on my mind right now!"

"Maybe you can tell him on the way to the hospital," her mom asks hopefully.

"Are you kidding me? This is totally the wrong time."

"I'm sorry honey. I hope Alya's okay." She hugs Bianca once more.


In the car, on the way to the hospital, Bianca and Jax are silent for awhile. She keeps thinking about their fight earlier and what Jax said to her.

He might be in love with me. Wow. And I'm in love with him, but he doesn't know I am.

Bianca stares at Jax as he drives. She admires the side of his face that is shaded lightly with facial hair. Her stare is now a intent gaze and she imagines being Jax's girlfriend and driving everywhere together.

Bianca thinks he looks so cute concerned and focused. She can tell he's tense and he wants to get to the hospital already. She brings her hand up and almost touches his hair to give it a comforting stroke, but she freezes.

"You okay?" Jax finally talks, eyes still focused on the rode.

Bianca drops her hand. "Uh yeah just nervous."

Jax glances at her just enough to flash a reassuring grin. "Alya will be okay. I know she will. She has to be. She's our best friend. I can't lose another friend. I can't."

Bianca's heart shatters at the sound of his voice; she even hears a little crack at the end. "Hey, hey," she speaks softly. "Just breath and focused on driving. We'll be there soon."


At the hospital, Jax and Bianca rush inside and they ask someone what room Alya is in and any other information they have. When they find her room, Jax holds Bianca hands, squeezing it tight. They glance at each other, afraid to see what Alya will look like when they walk in.

"You're here," Alya says in a mumbled, whisper as she lays in the hospital bed. Her face his dirty, she has wires all around her and one arm and leg is bandaged.

Bianca and Jax, still holding hands, both take a deep breath as they look at their friend. Alya uses all her strength and eyes their hands intertwined.

"Yay you guys finally got together," Alya says groggily and with a weak smile.

Bianca and Jax look at each other, realizing how they seem like a couple, with their hands locked together.

Not really, Bianca thinks. But soon we will be. I hope.

This story is almost done! Thanks for reading and voting and commenting!! I really, really appreciate it!!

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