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      It's been two weeks and in that amount of time, Jax hasn't talked to Bianca. He's barley seen her, expect in class and he believes she's avoiding him. On purpose. During lunch, Jax sits with Alya and he tries to get some insight from her. Bianca and Alya are tight. They know each other front and back. He for sure will get an answer.

"So Alya, do you know what's up with Bianca lately?" Jax asks.

"Maybe..." Alya answers, not making eye contact. She opens her lunch bag and pulls out a bagel.

"I thinks she's upset with me or something," Jax adds.

"No kidding," Alya mutters flatly. She takes a big bite of her bagel and munches silently, leaving Jax stunned and puzzled.

"Are you also not speaking to me?" Jax asks.

Alya remains silently eating her bagel.

"Alya?" Jax shouts. "Alya what did I do? Why aren't you talking to me?"

Alya stuffs her bagel back in her bag. She collects all of her things and starts getting up from the picnic table. "I could say something Jax, but I won't. Because I'm not the one you should be talking to." Alya storms off into Keaton.

Jax stares at Alya, wondering what the heck he did to her. Bianca's the issue, not him. First they become friend again, and then she goes and avoids him like before?

What does Bianca want? A friend or an enemy? Cause right now, it seems like she wants neither.


After school, Jax visits the cemetery to see Kit. He brings flowers and sets them on on her tombstone. Then he sits criss-crossed on the grass and begins talking aloud.

"Kit, I miss you so much. I need you here to knock my mind back in the right direction. I don't know what to do anymore. Does Bianca want to be my friend or not? Because the truth is, when we had that moment in the hallway, I got excited. I finally forgave Bianca, at least in my heart, and I was ready to be close to her again. But then I told her that my crush on her was all in the past, even though it was a lie. Kit, I love Bianca. I always have and I feel terrible for taking years to admit. But yes... I love Bianca Lynn Blackwell. Except, I doubt she loves me back."

Jax wipes his eyes and stands on his feet. "Goodbye Kit. I miss you."

On his way back to his car, Jax opens his phone revealing his lock screen of Bianca. "Goodbye to you too," he said, staring at the beautiful young women on his screen, while single tear drips falls on it.

I hated writing about Kit and her tombstone. Too sad. 😫 But that's what I chose to make my story about, so it's all on me. Anyway, probably almost done with this story. I'm currently working on a shortish Jianca story about something so exciting!! Hope you're excited, cause I'm having so much fun writing it!!! Stay tuned!!

And thanks so much for reading my Jianca fanfics and commenting and voting. Love y'all 💕

Healing (jax & bianca; backstage) ✔️Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora