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Present day

Bianca Blackwell has been through a lot and she has faced many types of pain. But losing her best friend Miles that day, two months ago, shattered her heart. She feels confused, hurt, and angry that life seems to like treating her bad. What has she done to deserve this? Is she being punished for what she did in ninth grade? Maybe that's it. She's is being punished.

"It's not fair!" Bianca cries out on the couch.

"What's not fair Bianca?" Mrs. Blackwell walks over to her from the kitchen.

"Life," Bianca simply says.

"And what's not fair about life?" Mrs. Blackwell sits next to her daughter.

Bianca crosses her arms and looks off in the distance. She can almost see Miles standing next to the couch in the flesh. She pictures him with his guitar, smiling at her, but when she shuts her eyes and opens them, he's gone.

"Are you thinking of Miles?" Mrs. Blackwell guesses.

Bianca's lips mush together and a tear slides down her cheek. "Mom, why did he have to leave?"

"Honey." Mrs. Blackwell strokes Bianca's long brown hair. "I know you are very hurt, but we can't turn back time."

"But mom he didn't deserve to die."

"No one does Bee. No one does." Mrs. Blackwell pulls Bianca into her. "Would you do me a favor?"


"Would you go to the party Alya's throwing tonight? I think it'd be good for you right now."

"Anything except that." Bianca gets off the couch.

"You're still friends with her right?" Mrs. Blackwell asks.

"Yeah. But I don't feel like going to a party." Bianca starts walking towards the stairs to her room.

"You know she's having this party to celebrate life. To gather friends and spend time with each other. I was really hoping you'd go."

"If Miles was here I would."

"Bianca, this party wouldn't exist if he was here. Think about that for a second."

"You're saying I'm meant to go to this party?"

"I don't know. Maybe if you go you'll find out."

Bianca stood on the stairs and thought, should I go even though I'm really not in the mood? I wish Miles were here, then he would convince me to go. Maybe it would be good to actually talk to people. I haven't seen anyone, outside of school. I haven't really talked to Alya since it happened.

I hope something will come out of me going.

Healing (jax & bianca; backstage) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now