twenty one

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Ever since the talk Bianca had with Jax, she does her best not to cross paths with him outside of the classes they have together. Which is five by the way and you can believe Bianca it is hard avoiding someone who shares the same disciplinary and are in the same friend group.

There are many times where she wants to give in and talk to Jax and when she does, Bianca has to physically restrain herself. At one point, she almost gives in because she needs to borrow a pencil, but she chooses to go pencil-less in a class that needs it the most: English.

After lunch, Alya catches up with Bianca in the music hallway. She comes to talk about the conversation she had with Jax.

"So, still avoiding him?" Alya asks, leaning against the lockers. Bianca slams her locker, huffing out of her nose.

"Trying," replies Bianca. Alya widens her eyes.

"You're not giving in are you?"

"Pshh, of course not." Bianca leans back on the lockers, looking away.

"I talked to Jax at lunch," Alya says.

"Oh, I bet he was whining about how I've been avoiding him," Bianca guesses.

"How'd you know?" an impressed Alya says.

Bianca sighs. "Because I know him Alya. He's oblivious of what he's done, but then complains that I'm avoiding him."

"It's not entirely his fault you know," Alya says. "If you two weren't both incredibly stubborn, maybe you'd be together by now."

Bianca crosses her arms. "I'm not stubborn. Jax is the one who's stubborn. He kisses me once, then claims he doesn't like me anymore? You know, I bet he never liked me at all. That kiss was just pity for losing our best friends."

Alya rolls her eyes. "You sure you're not stubborn?"

Bianca sighs again, uncrossing her arms. "I'm not and please don't tell Jax we talked about him, or else that kind of breaks my rules." Bianca leans off the cold lockers and walks away.

Please don't bump into Jax. Please don't bump into-

Slam. Why does she have to jinx it? As she walks out of Keaton and to the quad, Bianca's whole body once again collides into Jax, because again she chooses not to look where she's going.

"My bad," Jax apologizes. He looks directly in her eyes; no looking the opposite direction this time.

"It's not your bad when I was the I the one who bumped into you Jackson Gardner!" Bianca's voice rose in to familiar angry tone.

"Woah." Jax steps back. "Someone is sour."

Bianca lunges forward to shove Jax by his shoulders. "I'm not the sour one! You are!"

Jax shakes his shoulders and then points to himself. "I'm sour? How am I sour when you've been avoiding me after we became friends again?" It's Jax's turn to have the angry tone. Bianca does not expect that coming from him. Not the sweet, goofy guy who is usually understanding and hardly gets mad.

"Friends?" Bianca's spits out. "We're barley friends Jax."

"Well how can we be if we don't talk or hangout ever?"

"Cause maybe when we do, it never we goes how I want."

Jax breathes heavily. "Well, how do you want it to go?"

Like we're best friends again. Maybe even more.

"I don't know, never mind." Bianca speed walks passed Jax, but he pulls her arm, stopping her.

"You can't just leave a question unanswered Bianca."

"Well you can't be a dumb head Jax!" Bianca screams as she runs away.

"Bianca!" Jax tries catching up to her. "Bianca, let's talk about this!"

Bianca hears Jax's voice ring out as she gets farther away from him. She almost feels sad for him; his voice genuinely sounds hurt. But if she turns back, she'll give in.

And she can't, or else she'll might want to kiss him.

Healing (jax & bianca; backstage) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now