Part 2

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He pulled in the last of my bags as I awkwardly sat in a chair at the edge of the room. He had insisted on dragging in every single one of my bags from the cab, five for now. Mom said she would ship more once I arrived. He awkwardly pulled each bag in and dropped them on their sides, not really slamming them around on purpose I suppose that’s just how he was. I feet were sitting awkwardly together my bag on my lap resting under my hands, and my coat was falling off of one shoulder but I was too uncomfortable with the silence to move. After I heard the taxi driver pull out into the street he closed the door then turned and put his hand on his hips, huffed and a smile stretched a crossed his face.

“Oh gosh, I forgot to pay him.” I began to shuffle threw my bag, which was stupid because the driver was gone anyways, just my way to look stupid to fill the silence.

“Nope, don’t you worry, I paid him.” I don’t quite know why I was stunned but I didn’t say anything and he teetered on his heels for a moment. He was a bit odd looking, his hair was brushed to one side n seemed long just like there were a few strands he didn’t want to cut off, no it wasn’t bad… just, different. The silence was a bit more drawn out than necessary but I was thankful when he decided to talk. “Huh, why did you bring all your bags here? I would have just had them brought to your hotel.” HE turned n looked back at the pile of bags that now resembled something like the Stone Henge.

“Um, what... hotel…” I slowly ran through my mind trying to make sense of his words.

“The one you’re staying at for the weekend silly.” Then he kicked a leg out in front of him and began to walk passed me down a hall, and then it all clicked, he didn’t know I was staying here… for a year, with him. Oh no, I am staying in a house… alone… for a year… with him. An entire year, alone with this… awkward… lunatic!

“Excuse me, but I believe you are mistaken,” I stood up now, adrenaline overcoming the nerves. My mind began to race as a sudden panic set in and I searched my head for any kind of reasonable explanation. Maybe this is a joke, of course, Mom always complained about Wesley’s immaturity. He’s probably sitting in a room down the hallway thinking this prank is some kind of comical Californian hazing. The confused expression that this tall awkward man gave to me made my stomach turn. Despite all the excuses in my head, I just knew that this is where I was stuck; in this random house, with this random guy. Then my thoughts abruptly stopped and I pursed my eyebrows together in confusion. “You did talk to Wesley, didn’t you?” I finally said after several thought filled moments passed by. He looked off for a moment more as if trying to jog his memory.

“Ah, Wes, of course I did,” He said rather casually given our situation. “He said that his niece was coming down and that she’d stop by,” he paused. “She being you of course.” He nodded towards me, his hands together behind his back, as he slowly rocked on his heels. My mind was dead, as if all my thoughts had raced around until they caught fire and burned themselves into my skull. I was unaware that I had begun pacing for who knows long by now. I stopped suddenly and spun around to face him.

“Can I use the phone.” I said, more demanding than a question. The worry from our clear glitch in communication rose up in me like a tsunami. He flashed a quick, odd, smile never showing his teeth. It reminded me of a child’s smile, quick and over-done. He walked passed me and grabbed the phone off of its holder on the counter and handed it to me. I paused and raised my eyebrows at him as he stood their awkwardly, I knew I was being rude but given the circumstances it didn’t guilt me much. Then after a few seconds he jumped a bit suddenly, finally recognizing my silent request for privacy.

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