Part 20

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I pulled back from our hug and took my pants from his hand. After a couple more awkward seconds he got the hint and left the room for me to change.

Later on we sat in Matt's drive way, Daniel popped his door open but I stopped him.

"It's fine I can get what I need," I smiled, stepping out of the car; hoping that Matt wasn't home.

I stepped up to the porch and twisted the door knob, it popped open. I let out a sigh of relief and slipped in quietly.

The house was silent, I paced to my room and stepped in; closing the foot behind me quietly.

"You're back." I jumped and spun around, finding Matt sitting at the end of my bed.

"To get my stuff, then I'm leaving," I huffed and began to pull one of my suitcases from the closer.

"Why?" he asked wondrously, this made me slightly furious.

"Oh I don't know, maybe for why you aaas to my parents or-" I stopped myself, took a breath, and continued. "Never mind."

"Aurora, darling I-"

"No. Don't even try... Whatever it is that you do, don't try anything with me Matt. I live with you nearly three weeks and-"

"Don't, don't waste your breath on him anymore..." I hear Daniel from the doorway.

"What in the hell is he doing here?" Matt rose from the bed.

"More than you obviously," Daniel snapped at him.

"She is not your responsibility." spoke Matt slow and cold.

"So what? She's just a responsibility to you?" Daniel played at him.

"Yes, wait no, I just-" Matt stumbled with his words, only making him more furious.

"Ror c'mon let's go," Daniel said to me as sweet as ever, knowing it was just to hit Matt even harder.

Matt jumped up and cupped my face in his hands, his honey voice floating... Memorizing, "Aurora darling we are fine, darling we were just getting started, you know how I feel darling you-"

"Get your damn hands off of her you old bastard." spat Daniel, as he pushed Matt back. I felt Daniel's hands on me, on my hips, caressing me. I had what I needed gathered by now, Matt just stood back in astonishment.

"C'mon let's go home..." he whispered to me, picking up my bag.

"Home? She's been with you for a day, this is where her stuff is... This is her home now!" Matt began to raise his voice a bit.

"You can't provide a home for anyone, you never could and you never will." spat Daniel, what does he mean? But before I could think Daniel whipped my bag off the ground, took my hand and stormed out.

"Get out of my damn house!" Matt shouted after us.

"What the hell do you think we've been trying to do!" I was whisked out the door by a very shaken up Daniel. Matt was still yelling but it was inaudible by now. I could still feel the warmth of his hands on my face.

Daniel fussed with my bags until the fit into the back, slid into the front seat and jerkily pulled the car out into the street. His neck blotching with red spots, his nostrils flared with every breath.

"Daniel... Look, it's okay I jus-"

"No. It's not ok, okay?" He snapped a bit. "Don't you get that? It is not okay."

"It is ok-"

"Stop, Ror just stop." He sighed and rubbed his hand over his forehead. "Look, it just freaks me out a bit okay?"

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