Part 13

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Life with Matt went on slowly like this until Friday. Each day since after the fight had just been laying around when I'm off my classes and he comes home from work and watching movies or exploring the town. It was so nice to see Matt go around, he always says that it's been years since he's been able to go out and actually have a nice time. It makes me happy that I could be the one to get him out, although he has spilt quite a few things on objects and people since we've been out but even that's bearable. I had still been lying to my mother about my housing but she doesn't ask to many questions anyway which I'm grateful for. Uncle Wesley is well... Uncle Wesley. Life is good, just like I had hoped it would be when I moved in for this experience... If not, better.

I lay on the couch in sweats and a T-shirt like any other Friday night I've ever had. Matt tending to a whistling kettle in the kitchen. I read through a Sarah Dessen book, flipping the pages as I go. The soft whistle and turn of crisp pages fill the calming silence. It was like the ocean didn't have a single ripple on its surface.

"Fancy a cup?" Matt asked over his shoulder.

"I'm alright," I called back to him.

"Fancy a cookie?" He asked shaking the now half empty Oreo box.

"Not right now," I laugh back.

"Fancy anything?" He laughed, striding over, his tea nearly sloshing out of the rim of the cup.

You. My mind whispers too me, damnit. I silence my thoughts and just laugh again as he sets his cup gently on the coffee table between my chair and the couch he now sat on.

"Not at the moment." We sit again in silence. My mind runs through nearly every event I've been through since my arrival, it all seemed so fast the first week, and I've been glad for the break. The rest.

Then a certain... Uncalled for event, clicks to mind.

"Matt?" I close my book and set it on the coffee table, he sets his cup down again after a slow cautious sip.

"Yes?" His cup clinks against the table.

"I have a question," I state, swiveling myself to sit upright instead of sideways in my chair.

"I assumed as much," he smiles, sipping again over the edge of the glass.

"Do you remember the dinner party..." I spoke cautiously, his lips pressed into a thin line. "You were a bit drunk... Or a lot drunk..."

"I do recall," he nodded slowly, staring into his tea.

"What..." I cleared my throat, feeling the calm slip away. "What exactly did that coworker-"

"Lloyd," he cut in a bit sharply.

"Oh... Lloyd," I nodded a bit awkwardly. "What.. Um, what did he say... That made you soo... upset." I spoke lightly as if every word was a step on broken glass.

"Ah, I was hoping you wouldn't wonder so much," he flashed a quick smile halfheartedly.

"But I did..." I push a bit.

He claps his hands together a bit, "I think it's time for a drink." He flashes another smile and stumbles about to the kitchen.

"Wha-?" I shoot around to look at him. "Matt you have hardly drank your tea."

"C'mon dear, it's just a drink," he pulled tall bottle from the wine cabinet.

"Matt it's eight o'clock," I felt myself running out of excuses.

It wasn't long before he was setting a tall glass of red wine into my hand and downing his own. "You're nineteen and I bet my life you've never had a drink, just drink." He huffed, pouring himself another glass.

"Matt your not answering my question," I huffed setting the glass down onto the table next to his already cooling tea.

"And you darling, aren't drinking," he smiled again, his silly odd Matt type of smile.

I picked up the glass again, weighing my options. "You answer my question and I'll drink," I bargained.

"You drink... And I'll answer your question." He winked and downed half another glass of wine.

I sighed, sipping a bit, feeling the burn down my throat and the warmth spread through my chest. I shivered, fighting the smile creeping a crossed my lips, losing the battle of course.

"Ohh," Matt laughed loudly in victory. "I knew you looked like a drinker!"

I rolled back in laughter, sipping down half the glass, not sure if I was attempting to impress him or if I generally enjoyed the stinging drink.

We both must have lost track of time and thought at that point. Because the next thing I know it's 11:34 and we are laughing historically.

Matt falls off the edge of the couch taking a throw with him, I scream and then melt into laughter.

My mind fuzzy, as of nothing has edges. No edges, no corners, and it scares me but I like it. My entire body is warm, as if there's my own sun burning from my chest. He hops off the ground, checking the table with his knee, the whole thing rattles be he barely seems to notice before plopping down on the couch.

I find myself standing in the leather chair and tiptoeing over the coffee table. Surprised that I'm able to keep my balance at that point, I plop down crossed legged next to him, facing him.

My mind fades in and out of sanity, and once I get it on an exact thought I decide to take the opportunity while it's there.

"You never answered my question Matthew," I smile.

"You did ask a question silly," he tilted up an empty wine glass to his lips then looked into in, muttering to himself before refilling it.

"Sure did," I shrug. "Eight o'clock."

"Bloody hell girl, I can't remember that!" he downed another, his Adams apple bobbing with each swallow.

"Then I'll repeat it!" I laugh again, not sure why though seeing it wasn't a particularly humorous conversation.

"Please do." he nodded looking at me sternly, clearly joking. He set a hard look at me and I did the same, our faces inches apart. "Ask away." his voice was deeper.

"What did old Lloyd say to make you cause such a riot Matthew?" I burp a bit trying not to giggle, deepening my tone to sound serious, failing quite a bit in the attempt.

"You really want to know?" he raised an eyebrow at me, my drunken patience was shortening.

"Yes I really want to know." I suppressed yet another giggle.

"You really, really wanna know?" he raised both eyebrows a few times making me giggle completely, although a slight frustration built up in me.

"Tell me damnit!" I smack his shoulder and lean in closer to hear him... Or be closer to him, either way seemed appealing.

"He said," he burped a bit, the smell of wine filling the air. "He said... He said, who's that young woman with you ol' Matt, I said, why Lloyd she's my friends niece, and he said looks more like a young call girl if you ask me, seeing your lonely and what-not." Matt's face grew completely stern, rage shone behind his glossy eyes.

I opened my mouth to say something... Anything, that would fill the silence.

Matt threw his head back in laughter.

Soon enough I joined him. Both of us laughing hysterically an uncontrollably. He pounded the cushion with his fist, after many laugh and snort filled moments, he suddenly halted.

His face falling completely serious.

A real serious.


I was always told that after you drink you never quite remember what happened while you were drunk.

That the next morning and following days you won't recall what all went down.

But after his face fell so serious...

I knew I'd never forget,

When Matt kissed me.

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