Part 6

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Matt pulls put of the parking lot of the local mall, my finger tips run over the red material of the dress Matt just bought me. I don't know much about Matt but he must make at least triple the amount my parents do because to my surprise after the awkward car ride to the place he dropped a wad of cash off for me to have my hair and makeup completely done along with this beautiful red dress.
It ran tight along my waist and hips but seemed to fan out at my knees, the bottom fading up with a million golden sequence, it was more gorgeous than any prom dress ever bought back at home.

Although to my disappointment upon wearing it Matt only nodded, shrugged, and said 'that'll do', although why be disappointed, why would I need such a generous lunatics approval, I have yet to know. I lean my forehead against the window and count the palm trees that glow under the city night lights every time we pass one.

"Don't press your face against that dear, you'll make a mess of yourself." I seemed to scold me as if I were a child. I just tilt my head back up into the perfect posture and stare out ahead, he's seemed tense ever since we left the house and I almost feel as though he regrets inviting me at all, even though it was last minute and all.
I glance over at him just enough to see him curl his hands around the wheel,
his knuckles whitening, every now and then he lets out an impatient huff.

Feeling childish myself I huff and avoid looking at him just as he as been avoiding me, even though we are the only two people in the car. I grow impatient after several minuets of my charade and I break the silence, although I continue to glare away from this insanity of a man.

"Why are you so tense Matt." I state a sharply, not even twisting the words to sound questionable at all.

He ignores me. His hands clenching harder to the wheel

And then I can't even seem to hold my self back.

"If you didn't want me to come you shouldn't even-"

"Shut up!" He spits out.

I jolt back in my seat a bit. He wipes his hand over his face and then rests his head in his hand, leaning against the window. "I'm sorry.." He whispers and I just nod, what am I doing? I never snap at people, never in my life would I even have considered snapping at an adult, a grown man.

A stranger.

But here I am, acting childish, what is happening? Picking up my life and flipping it around like this has got me all flustered, I'm acting immature and, this insanity from this man is... Well, I'm going insane. He's quiet for days, then he's state up all night just talking with me, then he flips out, next he drops a load of money on me for no reason, then he's quiet again... Now he's snapped. This man is... Ugh..
This man.

"It's just, this lad we are visiting tonight he's just," he huffs again. "A complete ass. He flaunts this wonderful life and he's successful and he acts so much... Better," he spits out the last wort bitterly. "He has it all but we have the same things, he thinks he's grand and I just have no clue what it is that I am missing." He sighs, returns both hands to the wheel and loosens them until it seems he's just barley touching the surface.

I get the urge to reach out to him, to console him... But I stay frozen in my seat, hands resting palms up in my lap. Fear and guilt rise up in me from causing his outburst. Why would he have been upset with me? Of course it's his job he's upset about, he's an adult he doesn't worry about little girls like me... The thought sends a pang of hurt through me, although I once again have no idea why. Why am I feel these things? What am I even feeling? I've been here for barely a week and I've managed to yell and be yelled at by an adult, lie and practically steal a room at a strangers house... And classes haven't even started yet. I bury my face into my hands and want to sob but I bite back the bitter taste of sadness that rises in my throat.

"You're going to mess yourself," Matt huffs in a defeated tone, sighing into the words as if saying them themselves wore him down. A few minuets pass and Matt lets out one final sigh before pulling into a round about driveway already packed with shiny cars, every one looking fresh off the sale lot.

"Here we go..." He sighs, almost a whisper to himself, I glance over at him just as he's already hopped out of the car on his limber legs and within a few strides is popping open my door. I step out, and take in my surroundings. The house is large, beautiful actually, and the sky is just starting to go down casting a beautiful dim gray shadow about the place.

Matt hooks his arm at his side and I slip my hand through and hold on to him as we walk, grateful for the closeness. The large place clearly coating in wealth makes me feel somewhat small and out of place. Even though Matt is a stranger to me practically, he's more familiar than the faces that flash around behind the large bay windows of the home. The door swings open before we even make it to the porch.

"Ah! Smithy, I wasn't sure you'd make a show of yourself!" A man steps out, about the same height as Matt, with a buzz cut and narrow face. The man raked his eyes over me and I looked away from his gaze, his eyes seemed full of something... Something retched. "And who's this lovely young thing with you?" I felt Matt's arm tense around me hand, and he just flashed a tight smile at the man.

"It's Smith," was all Matt said as we entered, disregarding the rest of what this man had said.

The house was rather warm with the fill of people, at least 40 that I could see throughout the front room and open floor plan attaching the kitchen. Women and men filled the place, it was overwhelming with every split second of conversation that would wisp by us, the place seemed stuffy with the smell of people and various perfumes. Matt lead us back to a corner, where a small bar like table sat covered in quiche and small glasses of wine and champagne, abandoning the man at the door. He quickly picked up a quiche and popped it in his mouth, he being obviously aggravated already made the action seem nearly hysterical. He quickly downed a small glass of champagne, then scooped up another glass and held it to his lips for a few moments, he glanced at me. Awkwardly he pulled the glass down from his mouth and examined it, then looked back up at me, I felt a smile play along my lips.

"A little early in the night to be binge drinking don't you think?" I smiled at him and scanned my eyes back over the crowd, it was like having a dream, every face nearly familiar then fading into a stranger with every turn. I wonder if Matt knows most of the people here.

"Here, take it," he handed me the glass, and I awkwardly handled the cup and set it back on the table. He raised an eyebrow at me. "What? Are you trying to stay sober after your alcoholism?"

"Or maybe I'm underaged," I laugh, "but it could be that too." I play along with his odd humor and continue to scan the crowd.

"Underaged, really?" He joins me with the scanning and lifts up another glass, downing it without even realizing. "No one in this country waits until their 21." He snorts and sets the glass back down.

"Matt you drank another." I point out, and he glances at the table dumbfounded.

"Why hell," he huffs, and shrugs as if he cannot help but to drink. "If I'm drinking then I suppose you better not," he snatches the glass he handed to me and downs that one as well. Then he spins on his heel to face the crowd. "Well I'll be off then." And before I can say anything he disappears into the crowd, socializing, leaving me stranded with nothing but a table of quiche.

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