Part 9

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(Hi guys! I would appreciate feedback on this chapter to know if I should continue with ten, thanks! Comment what you think please)

I messed with the earring back trying to fit in through my ear when Matt walked into my bathroom.

"Do you not knock?" I asked, not rudely though, as I feel myself slowly become used to his random entering. Ever since the first day I came here he gave me about two seconds of privacy during my phone call with Wes before barging back in like he's always, drunk or not, he's entering.

"I haven't the slightest clue why do need to scrape my knuckles on a perfectly open door," he perked up yet another quick childlike smile before sitting himself down on the edge of the porcelain bathtub.

"I could have been naked," I smirk, finally slipping my earring in and snapping the back into place. I pick up the left stud and begin fitting it into its place.

"But you weren't," I watch him through the mirror as he runs his finger tips over the smooth white surface.

"I could have been." I state again.

And yet again, he smirks and perkily as ever, "but you weren't." I roll my eyes and sigh humorously. Matt lifts up my necklace from the sinks edge and messes with the clasp,

I snatch it from his hands quickly. "What?" He wines, high pitched, another childlike thing he does. Is it possibly to feel so mature over someone so much older? Apparently.

"I was just helping." He holds his hands up in surrender, and turns out of the bathroom. I don't mean to be so snippy but the last thing I need is Matt getting so close and personal with before my date. Like I've said before, I never was the relationship type, but I have been around on a couple dates. Daniel said he'd show me around here,

since Matt works most of the time I never have been out all too much, so I'm glad to get out and get to know someone around here... Someone my age. I don't know how I could possibly handle another night after having an 'episode' or whatever of random eye contact with Matt or his hands brushing my around my neck to clasp on my necklace... Gently...


What is wrong with this man, it's like he's some mind of crazy attention whore, trying to distract me for... No reason. Whatever it is he's doing he's doing it on purpose,

is he trying to scare me out of the house...? No, he didn't even know until Saturday night... Does he even remember saying what he did? We never discussed it. Well whatever shit he's trying to pull here, it's childish.

I finally get finished and look myself over in the mirror. Not anything spectacular stares back... Just me.

I grab my bag and walk into the kitchen, pulling out my phone and quickly shooting Daniel a text telling him that I'm on my way. Having exchanged numbers yesterday it makes me glad to feel like there's someone else in this town.

"Where are you going... Exactly?" Matt asks kind of shyly.

"If you must know," I huff and shoot a quick smile at him.

"Yes I must." He interrupts me and I chuckle, shaking my head at him.

"I'm going on a date." He just 'Humphs' and turns around, shoving a hand in his pocket and striding a crossed the living room. I check my phone, 8:00, Then I gather my stuff, being glad I wasn't specific with whom exactly. I wouldn't know how Matt would feel, a coworker... Well intern but technically, taking out his roommate. I stepped out the door and the California air engulfed me, as if I had fallen into a heated blanket. It was fantastic, always is I've realize. Yes, I miss home, the people, everything. But the weather? I wouldn't give up this weather for the world.

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