Part 27

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I had come to realize that there was nothing like sharing a bed with someone.

The feeling was so intimate.

No sexual just...

The way two people can be so open that they allow each other to lay in the dark with each other in their most vulnerable state for countless hours.

It was beautiful... Magnificent.

The way two bodies start out of two different sides of one bed. Even though they wake up separately, just as they had fallen asleep; that's not all.

Something magical happens when you are asleep. Two bodies gravitate towards one another, encasing each other. No matter how far apart you sleep, arms will be crossed... Legs will intertwine.

Hearts will sync.

Sometimes when I slept next to Matt, I'd wake up in the middle of the night. He'd have his arms around me in an embrace, so close that his nose was brushed against mine. The covers would be kicked to the floor but that just gave us more reason to get closer. Our skin sticking together for warmth.

No matter if we had started off on separate sides of the bed, our subconscious would bring our bodies together...

It always did.

I used to hope that it always would.


When I woke up the next morning, a sticky note lay on Matt's side of the bed:

Work today, coffee in the kitchen~ do something today


I set the note back down and rolled out of bed. I pulled yet another lair of Matt's boxers on me before I strode into the kitchen.

A cup was already sitting on the counter, creamed and everything, steam floating off of its surface.

I felt bubbly inside, despite my situation. The way Matt just seemed to... Take pain away... Well, take pain away when he wasn't the one causing it.

I grabbed the cut and sipped it slowly, it warmed my throat and woke me up a bit.

I checked the clock, it was 11. How the hell have I been sleeping in so much?

I finished off the first cup off coffee and poured myself another. It was now 11:30 and I decided to tidy the place up a bit... Due to Matt's sporadic personality... It tend to get a bit messy.


A lot messy.

I crossed to the living room ring as the door bell began to ring. I jumped a bit.

I realized that no one had been over to Matt's house at I'd been aware of since I'd been there.

I silently crossed over to the door. Then I wondered, had Matt told anyone about us? His coworkers or friends or... What? If he hasn't... Are we a secret?

I held my breath and slowly looked out the peep hole.


Thank god.

I swung the door open and she looked a bit shocked, I realized my facial expression looked a bit over joyed.

"Hey!" I shot out a little too loud.

"Hey!" She hugged me and then came inside.

"Where did..." I began to attempt to organize my thoughts. "How do you know where I live?"

"Well you are staying with this guy, Daniel works with him, so I just asked Daniel," shit. I forget all about Daniel and Matt's work. I hope there isn't being any buildings burned over me. "Where's your room?" I took her back to the beautiful room Matt mad given me when I moved in, the glowing room with the porcelain claw foot bath tub. If I hadn't been sleeping in Matt's room, I would have loved to be in here again.

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