Part 7

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I slip outside of the glass door onto the screen porch, about four people are already out here so I keep my distance from them. I sigh and lean against my arms on the banister of the porch. The night is quiet and the sounds of the party and classical music is muted lightly behind the doors. I hadn't seen Matt in about an hour, the last time I saw him he was taking a shot at the bar. Who would hire a bartender for a 'dinner party' I have no idea, it was a lot easier to see now why Matt was clearly upset about going out here to this party. Being neck and neck for a job with a man who does this. I don't know much about Matt but anyone could assume he must do his job pretty well. The buzz of the people seemed to finally get to me and I began to rub my temples and focus on the distant bits of conversation from the people on the other side of the well groomed yard.

"Are you escaping too?" I jumped and whipped around. "Oh sorry, didn't mean to frighten you." He chuckled and walked over, leaning on his elbows parallel to me. I tried not to focus on the fact that he's set himself only a few inches away, close enough I could almost feel the heat from his and could completely smell a mix of aftershave and what I could only assume is high priced cologne.
I tried not to look to closely at him or else I'd obviously be staring so I just took small note of him. He was much taller than me, I must come up to about his shoulders. He had curly black hair and deep eyes encircled by black thick eyelashes. He looked around my age but probably a bit older.

"I haven't seen you around here before, are you interning?" He turned sideways and looked directly at me, I kept staring forward and felt heat rush up my face. Who is this guy and why is he talking to me.

"No," I decide to be short with this, stranger. Not to be rude, but I exited the party to get air and I've never been one for one on one conversations with irrelevant people as awful as that does sound, especially with random guys who I've never met. Although who am I to say this when looking at my current situation...

"Ahh, so you just snuck in?" He smiled, and I couldn't help but smile back at his charm, I turned and faced him the way he faced me. "You just said 'oh look, what a nice gathering at a Rich mans home, how bout I go' and here you were?" He chuckled and tilted his head at me as if I were some complete mystery.

"Not exactly," I laughed along with him. "I was someone's plus one."

"I see, now you know I myself, intern at the same lovely workplace as every fellow here," he pressed a hand to his chest and stood up tall in mock pride. "So if you came with a gentleman from my very own workplace I would have to approve first."

"Of who? Me or the gentleman?" I stuttered between saying the or my, what is wrong with me?

"Ahh the men can handle themselves I don't need to proof check their women,"

"Proof check?" I laughed harder than I meant to. "Proof check people? You MUST be into your job very much so."

"Of course, I brilliant at it," he winked and I fought myself against blushing. I lost. "But really, who brought you to this whole ordeal?"

A loud shout from inside caused me and him to both jump. We shot around the corner and looked through the large glass windows of the home, enough to see a group of men laughing, silent women, all around a dining table. And one lone man, standing up, throwing his chair backwards in the process, screams, "I said, shut your damned mouth!" Before storming out the front door, leaving the women to gasp... And the men to continue to laugh.

I turn to him and muttered, "he brought me here." Before walking as fast as my heels and dress (which now seemed retched given the circumstance that I'd be chasing a man in it) would let me go through the glass doors and down the front halls of the house toward the open front door.

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