Part 25

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Sexual tension.

Or something like that.

It had been five days since I left Daniel's apartment and came back to Matt.

Five whole days. And not once, have we touched.

Nothing. Our conversations are blank, meaningless.

Yet every night, we sleep in the same bed. In the same house.

On two separate sides.

It's like there is a wall. There's something there that is... Separating us.

We both know that what we want... Is each other. So, why aren't we letting ourselves have what we want?

Five whole days in this house with this... Man. This man who wants me.

This man who I want.

Five days. And not a single brush of a hand has occurred.

Every conversation is too thick with silence.

Everything is... Empty.

Or stuffed...

or something.

Five days wears a person down, and when I woke up that day... I couldn't take it anymore.


I squinted as I woke up, the sun glistening through the garden window into the room. The entire bed was lit up with glittering light. The heat from outside casting long orange streaks over the room. I squinted at the light, momentarily thinking I was back home.

I rolled over in the plush covers to find myself face to face with Matt.

I gasped, and then it all came back to me.

He was still asleep nevertheless. We had been quite lazy despite his few times going to the office to pick up scripts, the aftermath to that gave him a slight stubble around his jaw. The sunlight light up the small hairs bright gold, his lungs rose and fell as he breathed slowly. His lips were slightly parted, his hair was... Everywhere. He seemed smaller... Younger somehow, in this vulnerable state.

I reached out to him, but stopped suddenly.

I remembered the... Awkwardness, of the past week. My phone had been shut off after I had sent Daniel a message saying that I was going away. I'm sure he assumed I was at Matt's anyway, but I'll deal with that frustrated boy later.

For now... I'll be with Matthew.

This complicated man.

He exhales fully, but his eyes stay shut. I extend my hand forward.

Little shocks run through me as my finger tips brush over the slight stubble on his cheek. His bottom lip shuddered slightly and I plead myself not to kiss him.

But I wanted to.

I found myself leaning in, my heart began to race just like it always did when Matt was near-

My phone began to vibrate on the nightstand behind me.

I rolled over and silently thanked and scolded it.

I grabbed my phone and slid out of the bed. I winced as the cool air from the ceiling fan grazed my bare legs. I had only slept in a tank top and panties, I had hoped that I'd wake up and get dressed before Matt came home from work last night but apparently I slept all the way through the night. I pushed the embarrassment out of my mind and tiptoed over the clothes on the floor.

I stepped on a pair of dark blue boxers and looked back at Matt. I sucked in silently and then out them on just as Daniel had put his on me last week. They were loose around my waist but it was nice to finally have something of Matt's come in contact with me after all this time.

Reaching Insanity (Matt Smith fanfic)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz