Part 14

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My head snapped back quickly. Every alarm was going off in my head, wrong; this is wrong.

hurt flashed a crossed his eyes and I couldn't help the smile that spread over my mouth..

My lips connected with his and in a split second I was pushing him, back against the couch. My body over his, his hands staying on my hips.

Do this with him was different than with Daniel. It was softer but, more... Passionate.

His hands only lingering on my hips, gripping them so softly, not roaming anywhere else, just staying; innocently on me. We began to breath into each other, a nonstop convulsion of chest to chest, tongue to tongue. He say up swiftly, keeping me in his lap. His lips leaving mine and trailing along my jaw.

"I..." I find myself stuttering. "We can't..." he pulls back and looks me in the eyes, the look so meaningful but so soft. Apologetic even. Just him being away, pulled back from me, his bangs sticking to his forehead, scattered about. Exhaling jagged and heavy. Staring into my eyes, I changed my mind.

"I'm sorry we don't ha-" I cut him off by connecting with his lips again. His hand holding the back of my neck, causing me to tilt back my head, his lips warming me quicker than wine.

He pulled back again, I whimpered.

"Darling we're drunk..." he began, but he trailed off. Laying a gentle kiss on my lips. "This could be a mistake..." he tried to continue, my chest clenched with the last word, "But," I held my breath, willing him to stop or continue or... Something, my mind all a blur. "I feel as though it's not..." he kissed me, lingering on my lips, my heart pounding and I realize I've never felt such emotion, such a passion in my entire life. So much...


He laid back down, pulling me on him, I laid my head on his chest and listened to his heart. The moisture against my cheek made me realize that I must have not noticed his shirt getting taken off in that... Process... I giggled a bit. His hand petting over my hair, gradually growing slower as we found ourselves very soon asleep.


I wake up, on the couch... A blanket over me. Just like the night of the dinner party.

Except this time with a raging headache.

My stomach began to twist, my head pulsing as light filtered in through the bay windows. I groaned and tried to bury my face into the couch pillows.

"Oh!" I hear Matt pace over towards me, seemingly not affected of the aftermath of last night. His footsteps padding over closer to me.

I unburied myself and look up at him.

"Here, drink this," he had a spoonful of... Something. It was a red liquid with a horrible odor.

"Why...?" I groaned, attempting to sit up a bit.

"Just drink it." he sighed, holding up the spoon as I wrapped my mouth around it, trying not to breath through my nose to avoid its taste(which I could only assume as being horrible retched).

"Huh, dangerous. That could have been poison you know." he smiled.

"Shut up," I rolled my eyes, pain convulsed with every movement through my head. I felt as if it had been split open.

"What was it?" I asked sternly, my voice cracking from exhaustion, and the hang over.

"Hold on," he held up three fingers, taking one down each second. I raised an eyebrow confused the same time as he raised a bucket off the ground.

I purged, my stomach wrenching.

I felt Matt's slender fingers run through my hair, I would have been embarrassed if I didn't feel so horrible.

"Good girl," I laid back down, groaning once more, my mouth infected with an awful taste. "That's a bit of an old home-remedy, you'll clear up in a few minuets."

Surprisingly I could already feel my stomach unknot and my head coming together.

"Darling I hate to break this to you," Matt began pouring two cups of coffee, I stumbled off the couch.

He was still in his pants... And shirtless, thank god. "But I have to run in to work today, in about an hour to be exact."

He turned around and cupped my face in his hands, "I hate to leave you here so suddenly after..." he trailed off, then cleared his throat. "So if you want you could run in with me, or wait here whatever you want," he walked past me now and down to his room.

I put a bit of thought into it, grabbing my coffee and taking a long sip of it I called out,

"I'll go I suppose."


The building was magnificent. Tall and glass, everyone inside wore suits and I felt as if I'd been dropped right in the middle of luxury. Thanking myself silently for dressing nicely. Matt led us into an elevator, his hand resting on my lower back, I couldn't help the smile that play on my lips. The elevator doors slid closed, leaving me and Matt.

He quickly laid a quick kiss on my lips.

I had been fighting the thoughts the whole ride hear, but they seemed to be pushing at my lips. I willed them to stay closed.

"What was that for?" I smiled, trying not to look worried or in thought.

"Just because," he smiled back and returned beside me just as the doors *binged* open to floor 4.

Where was this going? What am I doing? I thought as we stepped out into an office full of cubicles, separated desk offices behind doors that lined the walls. Didn't I establish this man was insane? I shot at myself, does this make me insane?


Not much later we walked to a door that read: Mr. Smith, a crossed the name panel.

"Wait here, I just have to pick up a few scripts," he entered the room and closed the door. I felt a bit awkward, as if every one in the cubicles was watching me even if they weren't. I shifted uncomfortable and glanced around the room trying to seem uninterested and busy with my own thoughts.

"Rory?" I jumped at the voice, and whipped around.

"Oh my god! Daniel, I haven't seen you in classes all week," I reach up and hug him, he squeezes me around my waist.

"Yeah... I've been really busy here," he spoke awkwardly shifting on his feet.

"Oh," I answered after a moment, "Look, Daniel I really want to apologize-"

Matt's door handle clicked and we both jumped, it didn't open right away and through the door a rushed angered whisper spoke, "No, don't even. I am going and I am done, end of discussion." The door flew open and Matt stepped out, his eyes narrowing at Daniel. Daniel's face flushed and his gaze shot to his feet. "Do you need something." Matt snapped.

"N-no sir,"

"Then carry on," Matt gripped the back of my arm a bit too hard. "Let's go."

He pulled me along to the elevator.

"Matt that was rude and uncalled for." I hissed at him, lowly scolding him.

"Let's go." He repeated, stepping into the elevator.

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