Chapter 6

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--Dark Forest--

Slick, Alex, and Lunaescence rode up to a forest, filled with creepy lifeless trees. The horses were acting scared so they didn't ride through.

In the distance was a old castle tower with moss and vines growing on it.

Lunaescence pointed at the tower. "There's been reports that the knight was here. Some knights were lucky to escape while others were not."

Slick and Alex start walking in the forest. Lunaescence took a step, but wince in pain. "Please..not now."

She looked at the sky, a worried look hidden by her helmet. The sun was lower down, making the sky go from blue to purple. She ran into the forest after the volunteer heroes.

Scared, Slick looked around for any animals that be lurking through. Alex on the other paw, going through the woods.

"Ah Alex, are we there yet?"

Instead of an answer, there was a growling noise, making Slick's anxiety worse.

"That better be your stomach."

"It's my stomach."

Slick turn behind him to see Lunaescence. She had her helmet off, revealing blue eyes and short blue hair. Slick couldn't stop looking at her. It reminded of Princess Sal of Charmed Ridge.

"What? You haven't seen a girl before?"

"Uh-uh yeah. Sorry. Let's catch up with Sir Xander."

Slick ran off as Lunaescence stare at the Felinian. Her eyes went from blue to yellow.

Slick caught up with Alex who stood in front of a large footprint. Slick saw the print and whimpered.

"Something always in the woods!"

A growl can be heard, but it was very close. Slick's eyes were shrink in fear. A cold chill can be felt on his black.

"It's behind us."

With a unknown beast behind them, a word popped in to the head of our heroes.

Alex and Slick ran forward with the creature following them. They kept on till they saw the castle entrance. They enter the castle tower, hiding in the shadows. The creatures didn't come in.

"Where's...Lunaescence?" Alex asked, panting.

"She was trailing behind me" answered Slick.

"She's out there with whatever was chasing us?!"

Lunaescence rolled inside the castle. Alex and Slick pull her into the shadow.

"Glad you're okay" Slick said.

"Guys, listen-"

"Okay? She's beautiful. Reminds me of Prin-"

Slick covered Alex's mouth from saying Sal's name.

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