Wormhole Aftermath

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Slick, Alex, Bayley, Becky and Sasha walked through the wormhole. After all of them was out, the portal closed.

"That was good and all. Elliott and Tyler are great Kamen Riders and I'm glad that there still more heroes on Earth" Slick said to the group.

"Yeah man. There more heroes just Sentai and Riders" Alex agreed.

"Guys, as much as I want to return to the castle, I'm going home. I'm tired" Sasha told the group.

Sasha walked off, not waiting for the other two housemates to join her.

"Sasha, wait" Bayley called out, going after her cousin.

"Sorry Alex, Slick, but it seems like we're not going to the castle. Tell King Azrael we're sorry and we said hello. It was great seeing your planet, even though it was short. Take care."

Becky waved at the two heroes, running to catch up with Bayley and Sasha. Slick and Alex waved goodbye and started to walk to the castle with The Dragonfly Orb.

--Sorceress Castle--


"Guess who's back? Back again." Alex sang, entering the labortory with the orb in hand.

"Alex and Ricky, you two made it back. Uh, where the girls?" King Azrael asked the two.

"They went home. But they say their hello. Anyway, heres The Dragonfly Orb" Slick said while Alex toss the orb to Bianca.

"Thats good. Thanks you two for taking time to help us."

"Its no problem, Bianca. But now after our break, its time for the final battle against Uka Uka and Nina" Slick said, serious look with a serious tone to his voice.

"Uh, Bianca, is the orb suppose to do that?" Alex asked, looking closely at the orb.

The Dragonfly Orb started to crack with light shining through. Bianca held it as it continue cracking around.

The light shined bright as the orb broke. The two heroes, The King, and The Sorceress were stun at the sight of a red dragonfly in hand.

"Who is that?" Slick asked, staring at the creature.

"It can't him, could it?" asked Bianca.

But they were shook as a bright light flash in the room. Zoe frantically flew over to the group. "I felt him! I felt his magic! It's faint but..."

The fairy saw the dragonfly and her heart sink, making her blood cold. "No, oh no. This is very bad."

"You know this dragonfly, Zoe?" King Azrael asked.

"Of course...your highness."

"It's him, isn't it?" Alex asked the fairy. "It's Sparx."

Zoe use her wand to make a pink and yellow butterfly appear. "Its rare for dragonflies to be in such critical state like Sparx is in. The red glow means he's on the verge of dying. He must've used his magic to put him in an orb."

The fairy placed the fodder near Sparx's mouth. After seconds, the dragonfly open its mouth, eating the butterfly slowly. As he ate, the red glow slowly start to change to green.

Zoe made another butterfly appear, feeding Sparx. With the second fodder, the dragonfly was now green. His eyes open slowly, looking at his fiance.

"D-d-did I d-die?"

"Of course not silly" Zoe said, tears rolling down her face, feeding him another fodder.

"G-good. I thought y-you we-were an angel. I didn't want you to j-join in death."

Sparx's glow change from green to blue. Zoe smile as the progress of her love. "Come on sweetie, one more time."

Zoe summon another butterfly, but it was different from the ones she used. It was shiny with blue wings, glistering with magic. The dragonfly ate it slowly, the glow changing to gold.

After finishing it, Sparx was fully back to his golden color. Zoe let out a sigh of relief.

"You did it, Zoe" Bianca told the fairy, smiling at the two.

"Yes she did, Bianca. But if it wasn't for Slick and Alex recovering the orb, this would be an unhappy sight" King Azrael said.

"You save me, Zoe" Sparx tried to stand and fly, but due to weaken start and being in the orb, he couldn't do either. Zoe lay down next to him, embracing her fiance.

"I would always save you, my love. I just glad you're alive."

Alex and Slick glance at each other. It was a great moment to watch as two loved ones reunited. But this wouldn't last long as Uka Uka and Nina threaten to destroy time and the world.

"It's time, I guess" Alex whispered to his best friend who nod his head.

A portal appear behind the two, awaiting for them.

"Sorry to cut this loving moment. But we gotta a war to end. Sparx, it was a pleasure to meet you" Slick said.

"Thanks you two. If it wasn't for both of you, I would never be here with my lovely, beautiful fairy, Zoe."

"Slick, Alex, be careful and good luck. We'll be praying for your safe return" Bianca told the boys, hugging them.

King Azrael smile at the two best friends. "Ricky, Alex, be safe out there and fight the good fight."

"Thank you all. We'll be back."

Slick and Alex went through the portal back to The TimeTwister. One last fight, to save time, to save the world. The war has to end. It will end.

Slick & Alex: TimeTwistersOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora