Chapter 17

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Tropy walked in the room to catch Alex and Slick playing chess with Cortex watching along. The Time Wizard that babysitting the two heroes would be a pain.

But, it was quiet.

"Slick, I never thought you were a player of chess."

"I use to play with Alex and Connor when we were in The Axem Rangers. Back then, Alex use to be a great player."

Alex took offense to Slick's statement. "I'm still great."

"No, you're not. You need practice" said Slick.

Before the yeti could retort, a transmission came in and from the orange portal, Uka Uka appeared with someone in the distance wear a black hood.

"And to think you heroes would let us rule this rancid world, you retrieve a crystal."

"Yeah we did. You've messed with the wrong heroes, Uka Uka" said Alex.

The evil mask was going to speak, but he glance at his former yellow colored henchmen.

"Well, Neo Cortex. You're alive. Isn't this a lovely reunion."

Cortex scoffed. "You tried to kill me along with Crash. Lets say you've got rid of one of us."

Slick, Alex, and Tropy turn to the ex-evil scientist who winked at them. Uka Uka laughed.

"I've got rid of that blasted bandicoot by myself. But since we're having such a nice reunion, I believe my guess wants in all of the fun."

The hooded person reveal themselves. The four men glance at her who stared at Cortex, shaking his head at the sight.


"Aw, hey Cortex, its been year since I saw my uncle. Oh, I'm sorry, I meant to say, father."

"Father?" Tropy, Slick and Alex asked, turning to Cortex.

There was one resemblance between to the parent and child and it was the uppercase "N" on their forehead.

Her grey skin along with her shoulder length black hair and blue eyes, Nina smiled at the heroes.

"Nina, what did he do to you?" Cortex asked, on the verge of tears.

"Cortex, don't tell me you forgot about our deal? Been stuck in a cave must have been a terrible experience" said Uka Uka, enjoying Cortex's misery.

"For you to gain my power and wisdom, you must give something valuable and you gave me your precious daughter, Nina."

Cortex couldn't look at the two as the evil witch doctor was right. He gave his daughter to him for his help in world domination.

"I did do that, Uka Uka. But I made sure that N.Gin was watching her. So what did you do to him?"

Nina snickered. "He's somewhere still in space. But Uka Uka told me about what you've done before I was born. He told me about you, about your failed attempts against Crash and Coco. He even show me my mother died when she gave birth to me and you wasn't there.

"It was all I wanted to know to eat such vile scum like you, Neo. You're nothing but a big head, little brain worm. So I helped Uka Uka retrieve some crystals including the two we took from those two idiots there.

"Speaking of you two, I hope you saw what we done to The Forgotten World in our world. They tried to fight us and we showed them what happens when you go against us.

"But it happened because their heroes weren't alive to save them."

An image appear, showing Slick and Alex their tombstone. Slick closed his eyes at the sight of what could be his future as the yeti stared on.

"You can't defeat us. Our destiny is just one crystal away. Victory will be ours!" Uka Uka said before the transmission disappeared.

Slick started to laugh, getting odd looks from the others. After a couple of seconds, Alex begin to laugh.

"For those who saw their future, you two are taking this lightly" Tropy said.

"You don't get it do you?" Alex replied.

"Get what?"

"They think we're just suppose to give up from seeing our grave. But we been close to death and we haven't gave up since.

"You see Crash over there. After years stopping you two, the struggle of going through three islands to save his then girlfriend, retriving crystals for an person he defeated, traveling in time, did he ever give up? No, he did. Neither are we."

"I'm sorry Neo about your daughter. We can try to save her. But, this planet and others are in jeoparody if Uka Uka gets his way" Slick said, laying his hand on Cortex's shoulder.

"Plus we're going to have two crystals."


he portal from Ancient Egypt open up and Coco fell on her butt with Aku Aku floating by her.

"I still hate that."

"Did you get the crystal?" Slick and Alex asked in unsion.

"No" Coco said, watching the yeti and Felinian's smile deflat.

"But we got this" Aku Aku said, tossing a red hat with a yellow ribbon wrapped around the head.

Slick and Alex stared at the hat, then look at each other.

"What is it?" asked Coco.

"It can't be..." said Alex.

"No way she's here" Slick said.

"Spill it you two. Who?" asked Aku Aku.

The two heroes gulped, raising the suspense in the room.

"Where in time is Carmen Sandiego?"

Slick & Alex: TimeTwistersحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن