Chapter 42

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Her life was great, wait that's a lie but that's what she kept telling people. She told them she had the best summer of her life but in reality it was the worst; she'd rather be in school. She was sick of lying in bed yet she didn't want to leave her castle with the protection of a thousand knights and the defences of a million walls wrapped around her. Her summer was terrible. It was a summer no graduated teenager should experience. A high school finished adolescent should be out everyday, soaking in the sun, getting sunburnt, going on trips and living their lives. Once night fall comes, they should be at every house party within their area, drinking until they can't walk, kissing every boy or girl their heart desires, dancing until their legs become jelly and waking up with the worst hangover in history. Unlike most teens, Camila was kidnapped by her mind and restrained to her bed just like she was before meeting Lauren at the repair shop. As sad as it sounded, Camila had wasted her summer staring at the ceiling rather than gazing at the stars and crying in her pillows than laughing in the sunshine with her friends. The end of the holidays were shortly approaching and after bereaving over Lauren for three months, she was ready to... move on. Although, every time she thought of doing this, it made her head spin and her stomach feel sick. It wouldn't be easy but their was no other option, she couldn't keep holding onto Lauren; someone she would never see ever again.

Today was the dreaded day; 28th August. Camila had spent her days packing up her wardrobe into one suitcase and her personal belongings into another. She was upset to find out her father would not be joining her at the airport to wave her off as he was unable to take time off so she wouldn't be able to see him again until Christmas; that was if he was lucky enough to be granted absence from work during Christmas. So, her sister, Sofia, and her mother, Sinuhe, drove her to the airport as the car chugged down the endless road, Camila leaned her head against the glass and stared at the church they passed. Flooded at the entrance where groups of people and Camila instantly saw Lauren's parents. How she had so much hate towards them. Hate was probably an understatement, it was more of a despise. She would go to the extent of calling them Satan in the flesh because Camila believed if it wasn't for them and the extreme beliefs, her and Lauren would have had a smooth sailing love. A love that would have lasted an eternity. A love that was a flame, forever roaring and burning on a infinite candle but it was because of them that that candle never got lit. She watched as the parents chatted to some other middle aged adults and it was clear they were laughing at some inside banter. She was jealous that they were happy and she wasn't. How they could come and ruin everything then live their lives as if they are perfect and haven't affected anyone severely. She remembered that actually they wouldn't care what pain they have caused onto two young teenagers for an innocent love, only that their love wasn't to be allowed and that was all that mattered; not happiness. Soon, her car was miles away from the church so she glanced over at her mother in the driving seat and noticed she had been watching Camila the whole time and the evil stare that washed over her face when she saw Lauren's parents. She flashed a comforting smile to her daughter and continued to the airport.

After a while, Camila was at the security checkpoint of the airport and this was the last part that her family could go beyond. Her mother had began crying and boasted about how proud she was of Camila and that she loved her so much. Her sister was sad but was too young to start crying over it but told Camila that she would miss her a lot. All this affection made Camila tear up (also the absence of her father made her rather upset) as the family began sharing a massive, tight group hug. Eventually, Camila noticed she was going to be late for her flight so said her goodbyes then chucked her bags through security as quick as she could until she was left with her one handbag. She raced through the long buildings of the airport, gripping her ticket in her right hand and glared at all the different gates that would match her one. Once she found her match, she seen the slightly long queue and breathed out in relief as she strolled over to the back of the line.

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