Chapter Nine

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Word Count: 2078


I whirled around at the sound of the voice.

No one was there, that I could see. Instead, there was a small cut into the building, bathed in shadows. Someone was hidden in there, in one of the most unnerving places possible. If I had been tempted by the drinks on offer in the party, I might have thought I imagined the voice.

"Come out for some fresh air?"

At the man's words, I suddenly became aware of the air around me. This dress may be beautiful, but it does little to protect me from the extremities of a Desire Pack nightfall. Frigid air from the Independence Pack often blows down the mountains, plaguing the air where the buildings and crowds are thinner. Just like atop the hill, where this estate has been built.

"Who are you?" I question, the heels of my shoes sinking into the grass.

I hear a faint chuckle. "Such an empty question considering I dwell in the shadows."

Even though I shouldn't be conversing with a man who doesn't want to show his face with me, his point still had me feeling foolish. Instead of being able to reply, I was frozen to the spot, and not just by the cold.

"But if you must know," he says, finally stepping from the shadows. "I don't particularly like parties. That's part of who I am.

I know who he is. I may have never seen his face before, but stories go a long way. People always said his eyes were a reflection of his wealth, and a part of me believed that, despite how farfetched it may be. I dropped high school at the same time I dropped my belief that his eyes are the colour of molten gold, and that they are the most fantastical thing anyone has ever seen.

This moment made me beg to differ.

I must have drunk something and I just forgot. How else would he be real? I may have seen a male with cobalt blue hair and a female with rose coloured eyes, but this is different. Eye contacts and hair dye are fashion here, however, when I look into the trap that is his eyes, I know there is no hoax there. No one could create such a vivid, golden colour.

He's the Alpha of Desire. No contesting that fact. I hate to admire the dark hair that almost covers the intensity of his gaze, a contrast of light and dark. He is dressed to be an attendee of the party, in something that resembled a suit jacket, although a lot thinner with buttons glistening in the same colour of his eyes. The fabric of the jacket looking like a ebony coloured silk. The Alpha looks brilliant.

"Lost for words?"

I exhaled slowly. "You're the Alpha. You're Asher."

Those words sounded accusatory, and I believe Asher heard the tone by his next words.

"I'm many things. I promise, I am not here to replicate any one of those people's actions," he tells me. I know he is referring to Myles, the Guard and the lady from the front. He may be right, and he may be my Alpha, but that isn't go to cease my questioning.

"Why are you here then?"
His gaze takes a very deliberate path down my body. "You look cold. Perhaps my team should choose more apt dresses for the next event."

"I'm not going inside until everything is explained," I concede, folded my arms over my chest for emphasis.

Asher's gaze is unflinching. Is he used to people having an opinion around? I securely doubt it.

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