Idiots - Finn Wolfhard

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Characters - Finn Wolfhard, Kenna (devonquubes)
"Finn, you're so stupid!" Kenna laughed as Finn attempted to do the worm.

"You do it then!" He challenged, getting off the floor.

"I can't do the worm for shit!" Kenna whined but got on the floor anyway. She flopped about on the grass for thirty seconds before she gave up.

"Get up you stupid toad!" Finn giggled forcefully pulling on Kenna's arms, springing her from the ground. He pulled into a bone crushing hug. She wriggled about trying to escape but it was no use.

"Let me go, you dork!" Kenna demanded. Finn didn't let go so she started stomping in the space she had.

"You whiny child!" Finn let go of her and pushed her away. He took his phone out his pocket and played the first slow song that he could find. "Sign of the Times." Finn swooned. "Let's dance."

"What? I don't dance." Kenna told Finn. He took her hands anyway and twirled her around.

"You do now." Finn whispered into her ear as he pulled her close. "I love you."

"W-what?" She stuttered.

"I said I love you." Finn repeated. "I think it's about time I said it because I've felt it for a while." He leaned down and softly kissed Kenna.

She pulled away after a few seconds. "I love you too."

"You know what this means?" Finn asked.


"We're idiots who fell in love."

Haha cheesy but I hope you liked it!

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