Dear Diary - Noah Schnapp

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Dear Diary,

I met this boy today. He's new to school and he's REALLY cute. In both ways. I love his hair and eyes and little freckles and goddamnit it's happened again. Another crush just yay.

"y/n! Dinner!" My mom called.

"Coming, mom!" I yelled back. I slammed my diary shut and hid it under my pillow. Once I approached the dining room I froze. There he was. "Hi Noah." I blushed slightly.

"Hey!" He replied chirpily and patted the seat next to him. I slowly walked over then sat down and smiled at him. I glanced at my mom with a questioning look, urging for her to speak.

"y/n this is the Schnapp family, as I guess you know. They're our new neighbours!" She squealed and placed my plate of food down. "You can start you know."

I tucked in to my meal and felt Noah gently kick me. My head turned to see him smiling and he kicked me again so I kicked him back. The foot war continued throughout the meal until I accidentally hit Mrs Schnapp. My eyes widened as I apologised quickly.

Everything was soon finished and the Schnapps had left so I continued to write in my diary.

Noah came round. We had dinner. We kicked each other cause we're twats. :)


I'm sorry this is so bad I'm really tired and I have a new Jaeden story so yeah thank read it pls

I might make a part two

And thanks for all the reads and support even though I'm a terrible author


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