The Movies - Jaeden Lieberher

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Characters - Jaeden Lieberher, Lily

Lily walked into the cinema, phone in one hand and wallet in the other. She bought a ticket for Dunkirk (only new movie I could think of) and walked on to buy snacks.

Jaeden entered the building only minutes after, he also bought a ticket for Dunkirk. He waited behind Lily in the queue for food and then ordered his.

They both entered the screening room, not paying attention to one another. Somehow, they ended up siting next to each other.

Halfway through the movie, Lily went to place her hand on the arm rest but instead was greeted with a hand. She looked to see Jaeden smiling at her.

He leaned in and whispered in her ear, "I know it's dark, but you're pretty." This caused Lily to blush hard and smile at him.

They barely watched the rest of the movie but quietly talked to each other about anything random.


Sorry this was bad I'm tired


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