Jesus x Molly (Mesus)

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Sorry if your name is Molly

Jesus waited patiently at the alter, tapping his foot. The music started and Molly emerged sporkfully in her holo rainbow floor length dress. She Jennifer Lawrenced up the steps before landing in Jesus' lap. Jesus cried at Molly's beauty and he thanked his Father for this creation. Molly was craving to thumb an orange and Jesus read her mind and whispered, "Don't worry you can have all of my orange tonight." The sinner vicar (Anna) announced that the newly wed could kiss and seal their marriage. The CRASH! BANG! WALLOP! Susan Boyle and the pope crashed through the window and shouted (or opera sang in Susan's case) "YEA GET SOME JESUS!" Then they went home and thumbed some oranges mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm


Written by molly anna and leah


Sporkfully - making an absolute twat out of yourself and being useless

Thumbing an orange- shoving your thumb in an orange and being a twat

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