Am I Just A Fan? - Jeremy Ray Taylor

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I'm gonna try this in present tense 😬
Also it's a she idfk


Today is the day. Today is the day I'm finally going to meet the IT cast. I love these people to death and would happily kill myself for them. My mom keeps asking who I want to meet the most but I have no idea!

We arrive at the venue and I immediately start to jump up and down. My mom calms me down before we enter. After we enter, I scream because someone in a mask is standing there laughing from jumping at me. I go to hit them but my mom pulls me away. I throw a death glare in their direction and snarl.

It's time for the autographs (idk how this shit works I've never been) and pictures. I go one by one until I get to Jeremy.

Jeremy's POV

I look up to see a new fan. I remember who it is, the person I scared earlier.
"Hello! What's your name?"

"I'm y/n.." she replies with a small smile. "I love you!"

"Aww I love you too!" I tell her. Wow, she's beautiful. "Hey, what's your Instagram? I'll follow you back."

"Holy shit!" She squeals. "Oh, um it's *blah blah*." I grab my phone and follow her.

"Alrighty then. Would you like a pictu-"

"Jeremy hurry up!" I'm cut off by security. I glare at them and make a shushing motion.

"Anyway, photo?" I ask.

"Please!" Y/n turns around and takes the photo. "Thank you so much!"

"Hang on." I find a stray piece of paper and quickly jot down my number. "Here you go."

"Oh! Thank you again! Goodbye, Jeremy!"

"Bye, beautiful."


Hey hey ilovestit I finally did it!

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