Lies - Mike Wheeler

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Characters - Y/N, Mike Wheeler, Will Byers, Lucas Sinclair, Dustin Henderson, Max

Dear Diary,

You might think I'm a normal person but I'm not. I bend the truth, making things seem more realistic. That was until I met Mike.

When I met him I felt I had to change the truth even more, like I was scared for him to know it. He's a bit gullible and doesn't look much past when I tell him.

He has other friends too. Will, Dustin, Lucas and Max. I was told about another friend they had. I think her name was Eleven. The boys told me that Mike was all over her and that they think he kissed her. Max didn't know her. I like Max. She's cool and we get along well since she helped me around on my first day of school.

I heard a knock on my door so I slammed the book shut and shoved it under my pillow.

"Yeah, come in." I yelled. I saw my best friends walk into my room. "Yello!"

"Y/N!" Will jumped onto my bed, hitting me in the face in the process.

"You little shit." I shoved Will and heard Lucas cough. "Hi, boys. And Max."

"Come on guys." Dustin said and they all went out shutting my door. One stayed. Mike.

"Can we talk?" Mike asked, blushing slightly.

"Yeah, sure." I said and he sat on my bed.

"Tell me the truth."

"What?" I breathed, chuckling slightly.

"I know you've lied to me." Mike's eyes were tearing up. I moved closer to him and placed my hand to his freckled cheek.

"What do you want to know?" I asked.


"Let's start with the basics." And I kissed him. It took a couple of seconds before he responded and the door opened, but we didn't notice that happen. We didn't care though.


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