Chapter 12

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Titus left me promising he would return as soon as he finished speaking with Christian. I took the opportunity to glance around his room and sniff his pillows. Yes, I sniffed his pillows. I just wanted to make sure I didn't have to claw any female's eyes out. When I only found his scent only I was satisfied. A faint knocking on the door caught my attention and I walked over to open it.

A young female who looked and smelt like she recently shifted walked in with a tray of food. My stomach grumbled at the smell of roasted beef soup and I followed her to the sofa as she sat it down on the coffee table.

"Thank you." I whispered and she looked up at me surprised. I frowned. Did I say something wrong?

"Y-you're welcome." She said and gave me a smile.

I looked at her warily as she retreated out of the bedroom and closed the door behind her. I sat down on the sofa and picked up the bowl of soup. The smell made my mouth filled with saliva. Not a second to waste, I picked up the spoon and sipped the liquid. The salty beef-y veggie taste hit my tongue like fireworks. I didn't realize how hungry I was until I licked the bowl clean. I was actually really sad that it was all gone.

I don't know how long it has been but it felt like forever waiting for Titus in his bedroom. I was getting bored quickly and so I opened the bedroom door and peeked out. When no one was in sight, I naughtily took one foot out of the bedroom and glanced around again before I fully stepped out and closed the door behind me.

I followed the narrow wood flooring hallway until I reached a pair of stairs leading downstairs. I continued down it until it took me finally to the first floor. I followed the smell of beef soup into the kitchen and when I saw no one in sight I began sniffing around like the crazy wolf that I was. During my search for beef soup, I was momentarily distracted with noises coming from next door.

There were grunting and shouting. Again, my curiosity got the better of me and beef soup now forgotten I walked out of the kitchen and down a small hallway to a glass door where I glanced in and saw a fighting cage. This must be where the pack warrior trained.

These warriors were fierce. It was a mixture of female and male together and they fought efficiently and quickly. Their movements were quick and wouldn't be unable to be picked up if it was a human looking. It would all be a blur.

I placed my hand on the windows and my nose pressed against the glass I was awed at how well they fought. When I was at my old pack, Kyle also trained females to become warriors. My father was also a warrior for the pack and hence leading Kailyn and I to be trained as well. When it came to the initiation day where we shifted and get chosen to become warriors, Kailyn was chosen to become Luna and even though that day Kyle knew who I was to him he gave me the warrior position in his pack.

Regardless, even if he did chose me to be a mate or not, I loved the training and the aggression. I enjoyed the thrill of the competition and I loved to play and get into fights.

"What are you doing?" A female voice asked from behind me. When I turned around to look at her she quirked an eyebrow at me in question and I gave her a brilliant smile.

"This is amazing." I said. Her eyes softened a little bit before she crossed her arms, revealing toned arms. The symbol tattooed on her shoulder told me she was a warrior.

"It is. I saw you this morning. You are going to be our Luna." She said.

"I am Titus's Chosen." I replied and she smirked, glancing up and down.

"If you are going to be our Luna, you have to be strong. Do you even know how to fight?" The flare of anger inside of me pushed my wolf forward and a growl escaped my lips. Her eyes twinkled with amusement. "Well, Luna, will you take me up on a challenge?"

She opened the door and walked in. Everyone turned towards her and she put two fingers between her lips as she whistled now catching the two warriors in the cage. They both broke apart to look at her.

"What's going on, Yenis?" One of the warriors asked as he came close to the cage to prop his arm up as he glanced down at her.

"Out, Brian. I am going to do a one on one with the Luna." She said confidently and I walked in accepting the challenge. I wasn't going to back down. My wolf refused to cower and I agreed completely.

"Are you sure?" He asked after he glanced at me.

I nodded. "I'll be fine."

He turned back to Yenis, "Be careful, Yenis. Alpha will be angry if he sees her hurt."

"She will be fine." Yenis said in a bored tone as she waved her hand for them to exit the cage. She walked in with only her sports bra and tight shorts. I felt overdressed as I glanced down at my baggy t-shirt and grey sweatpants. Nonetheless, I still walked into the cage. It closed behind me with a click.

Everyone stood around and watched.

I felt a mixture of fear and anticipation. My wolf and I were thrilled to fight again but we fear we might disappoint them.

I was the first one to move by throwing the first punch. Yenis grabbed my fist and efficiently flipped me over. I fell flat on my back.

"Oh come on. That was too easy." Yenis taunted on top of me. Her legs on either side of my waist. I grabbed an ankle and pulled her flat on her back.

We both flipped back up to a standing position. She threw the next several punches hoping to catch me off guard but she doesn't know that speed was always my strongest point. However, I noticed she was forcing me back against the cage.

When we got too close I quickly used the cage to my advantage and flipped over behind her. She turned around quickly and grabbed me by the collar of my shirt. I pulled back and the shirt ripped open.

"That's my favorite shirt!" I growled out angrily. That's it. I ripped the rest of it off and threw an uppercut at her only she dodged it but I took the open opportunity to kicked behind her knee, sending her knee buckling to the ground. I wrapped one arm around her neck exposing one side and placed my mouth by her pulse.

Everything stopped.

"I knew you would be good. I saw it in you." Yenis breathlessly said. "You are better than her."

I was breathing just as hard as she was. I released her and looked around. Everyone was looking with interest but my eyes stopped when they met a pair of blue ones.

"Titus." I whispered but I knew he heard and he looked angry but I can almost feel the pride coming from him.

"Everyone out." He roared and everyone was out the door in second. I was about to leave when he spoke.

"Not you, my dear Patience." He said lowly as he stalked into the cage. I felt trapped. He looked like he was going to eat me alive.

"I can explain...I did wait for you in our bedroom but I got bored." I said.

He walked up to me and played with a strand of my hair. "So you decided to come down here?"

"I enjoy fighting." I whispered my reason. His closeness was really missed and I found myself wrapping my arms around his waist. His body relaxed.

"Well you did do a really good job. Everyone will be taking about this for days." He said with a chuckle.

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