Chapter 1

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Camila's pov



"Piece of shit"

Those words echoing in my head.

I woke up in a pool of sweat. Another nightmare.

At least tomorrow is a fresh new start in a new school.

I had to change schools because I was bullied really bad.

I attempted suicide and still self harm. I always think why am I still here. What is my purpose in life? I do have a friend that lives across the street. Her name is Dinah and she is probably the best friend that I have ever had.

When I started getting bullied at my old school my friends just left me and didn't care what I went through. I've never been in a relationship or kissed anybody before. I know what you are thinking. How can a 18 year old not have been in a relationship? Well I haven't found somebody that special yet.

Well there was no way I was falling back asleep. I look at the clock. 3:00.

I hop on tumblr then end up waking up to the sound of my alarm clock.

Ugh. I hate school. Besides people i suck at math. And I have some problems reading. That is another that people picked on me for. I don't stutter but I just can't read very good. Plus if a teacher calls on me I get all nervous and that makes it even worse.

I get my lazy butt out of bed and get dressed. I'm a hoodie-jean-converse-bow type of gal.

I put on some light makeup and put some on my scars on my arms.

I go downstairs, say bye to my family, and drive to school.

I walk up to the front seeing all the people. "Well this is going to be fun." I say sarcastically.

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