Chapter 29

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Lauren's pov

I walk into school depressed. I just feel so empty. I cried all night just missing her warmth.

I look and she's not by her locker. I hope nothing happened. I grab my books and hear someone say my name. I turn around and see Dinah.

"Please. Just please tell me that you didn't cheat on Camila." She asks not being calm or angry.

"Dinah I would never do that to her just let me explain everything to you at lunch," I say.

"but wait." I stop her from walking away.

"Did she do anything to herself?" I ask.

"She broke a glass vase and then broke her wrist while punching the wall." Dinah replies.

"But she is skipping today so don't worry about her not being here." She says.

"Dinah thank you so much." I said giving her a hug.

"Yep just explain to me what happened at lunch." She says.

"Okay I'll see you later." I say.

She says bye and we both leave for class.

Camila's pov

I wake up depressed. Empty. Sad. Mad.

I get up out of my bed to go to the bathroom and get some antidepressants. I take 4 just so it will produce a bigger affect on me.

I'm to lazy to put in my contacts so I just decide to take a shower.

I put on some sweats and go right back into bed and log onto instagram.

I see someone tagged me on a picture and its Emma.

I click on the picture and it is her and Lauren making out.

My heart drops. How could she fucking do this to me.

I put in my headphones and let the music take over my body.

Lauren's pov

Finally time for lunch. I spot Dinah sitting with Ally and Normani at a table.

"Lauren how could you do that to Camila?" Ally asks.

"Okay just let me explain." I say.

I tell them about the candy and how I had no idea what was going on.

"Lauren I'm so sorry that we under estimated you." She said giving me a hug.

"Now we need to come up with a plan to get my baby back." I say.

Then a light bulb hits me.

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