Chapter 41

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Lauren's pov

I wake up on the couch with Camila snuggled into me. Aww she is so cute. I smile to myself and realize that it is 10 in the morning. Shit what about school.

"Camz. Wake up babe we need to go to school." I reply. She opens her eyes and realizes that we have school she jumps off of me and runs upstairs.

I also run upstairs and get ready as fast as I can. We get ready in about 20 minutes then head off to school.

We get there in a matter of 5 minutes then I realize that 5th periods almost over so lunch is next.

"Camz you wanna go get some lunch from Papa's Pizzeria?" I see her eyes light up.

"YES!" She yells and I laugh to myself. This girl and food.

I drove out of the parking lot and head to the pizza place which is across the street.

I park and she basically runs into the place like a little kid so I follow close behind.

We get a table and order our drinks and pizza.

"So Camz how's Dinah? You never told me what happened." I say.

"Oh it was nothing. Just some boy stuff that she needed to talk about." I nod but in the corner of my eye I see Austin with Emma and the rest of there group following behind. So I guys he's part of their posy.

They look around then end up walking over to us. Are you fucking kidding me.

"Hey slut." Austin says to Camila and I see her freeze.

"What the fuck is your problem. Leave her alone Mahone." I reply standing up meeting his gaze.

"Hey I'm not scared of you Jauregui." He replies trying to look big but fails.

"Haha thats funny because I kicked your ass and I can do it again if you like." I reply taking a step towards him and Emma but they take a step back.

"Mila and I were just having some fun until you had to come ruin it." He laughs.

Okay I cant contain my anger anymore. I am right about to punch him in the face when I feel a warm hand on mine.

"Come on Lauren lets go." Camila says barely audible.

"Your lucky motherfuckers but next time I will whoop your asses." I reply and I see some fright in their eyes.

God I hate them so much I just need to scream.

Camila guides me to the car and gets in fast.

"God I fucking hate them so much." I say punching the steering wheel.

"Lauren please calm down they are not worth it. Now let's go to school." She replies softly.

I honestly don't know how she is so calm but I do as she says and drive back to school.

I park and my blood is still boiling with anger from those little motherfuckers but I relax for Camz.

We get out and intertwine our fingers together then proceed to school. They are still eating lunch so we go and sit by Ally, Normani, and Dinah.

"Hey girls." Camz says and hugs them all.

"Hey guys." I reply and hug them all as well.

"Are you going to eat that?" Camz asks pointing at something that Dinah is about to eat.

"No I was just cooling it off for you." Dinah says giving Camila a look. I cant help but laugh.

"But I'm hungry and we didn't get our food at the pizza place because of those assholes." Camila replies sad.

"What happened?" Ally asks.

"Just Emma and Austin with there stupid group." I can feel my temperature rise just thinking about them.

"I'm going to go buy some pizza." Camila replies getting up.

Camila's pov

I'm walk up to get in line for food when I feel a tap on my shoulder. I turn around to find...

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