Chapter Twenty One- Bodhi.

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Hands trembling, Bodhi straightened behind the console and glanced from the boarding ramp to the cockpit ladder. He thought of his plan to take off, to fly through the gauntlet of TIEs to rescue Jyn and Cassian from the communications tower. He thought of the strain he heard in Cassian's voice, and his last signal to Melshi- the one that had gone unanswered.
If he didn't have the chance . . . he'd done enough. It was okay.
"This is for you, Galen," he said, and started for the ladder.
Bodhi Rook heard the ring of metal once, twice, in the cabin, and then the soft clatter of something rolling across the deck. He turned in time to glimpse the detonator. He heard nothing as the cabin flared impossibly bright.
Like a pilot should, he died with his ship.

Or so, we thought.


I stand, staring at the two people in front of me. They look at me, the same expression painted on their faces. And then I finally find the strength to speak to my thought-to-be-dead friends.

"Jyn? Cassian?" I say, my voice sounds sad, but hopeful. I don't know how this happened, but I am very glad it did. "'s you!"

They just stare. Making me feel a little uncomfortable.

Great, am I seeing people? Am I going crazy? I tell myself. They're dead. I know they are.

Unless they escaped?

Jyn looks utterly confused and depressed.

"You remember me? Right?" I ask, suddenly worried. "It's Bodhi!"

Cassian gives a kinda sad smile before saying, "Of course we remember you."

I sigh in relief, but Jyn still looks confused. Please tell me she remembers me.

"Jyn?" I ask. "You remember me, right?"

"Yeah, yeah. Sure. I.. I just.. can't believe it." She says, taking a step closer. "I thought you died."

"I thought you guys died, too." I admit. "Guess we were both wrong."

Cassian gives a big smile, then hugs me, Jyn joins in. "You're alive!"

"Wait- you're alive." Cassian repeats. "Does that mean Baze and Chirrut are alive?"

My smile fades, and I find myself frowning. Of course real life has to ruin a happy moment. "How about we sit down." I say, they look at each other, slightly worried.

I go into the kitchen to get them something to drink, Jyn requested tea, Cassian did as well. So I made tea.

"You didn't answer our question." Jyn reminds me. "Are they alive?"

I sigh. Stupid, stupid Death Star. Always taking someone's life.

"No, they aren't." I say.

Jyn and Cassian start looking sad again, but it doesn't seem to surprise them too much. Of course it didn't. They already expected us to be dead, and now one of us is alive and two of us aren't. Rogue one will never be the same. We'll, never be the same.

"Okay, well, I believe it's my turn to ask questions." I say, breaking them out of their depressing gaze. "How did you find me, and why are you here?" I ask, I suddenly realize how rude that sounds. "Not that I don't want you here, I just.."

"We know what you mean." Cassian states. "And we'll answer your questions. What do you want to know?"

"Erm, what are you doing out here?" I ask.

"Something to do with a mission, actually." Jyn says, kinda proudly. "We're fighting the First Order."

I nod, but then realization hits me, and I realize they've came here to get me to help.

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